Poofless: Never

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~Robs POV~

Thunder cracked and the rain started pouring. I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot chocolate. Once I made the pot and put it into a mug, I sat down on my couch and wrapped myself up in a blanket and turned on my TV to the movie channel. But just as the movie started, I heard a knock at my door. Strange, I thought. We are in the middle of a thunder storm and someone's knocking at my door? I stood and threw the blanket off me and went to answer the door. I opened it and saw a rain-soaked Preston at my door. His dark hair had water drops falling from it, and his eyes were red and puffy, as if he's been crying. "Preston? What's wrong?" I asked. "Rob, would you be mad if I left?" He asked. Um... Yeah I would be. I lived Preston with all my heart, even if he would never love me back. I everything about him, from his smile to his laugh to his kindness. "Preston, where exactly would you be going?" I asked curiously. "Away. Forever." he looked to his feet, and suddenly started shaking. "Preston! Get inside!" I pulled his arm and led him inside, racing upstairs to grab a towel and some dry clothes for him. When I came back down I saw him crying and leaning up against the door. "Preston. Here. Go change and meet me in the kitchen." I said, handing him the stuff I just brought down. he nodded and walked back up the stairs. I quickly pulled out another mug and poorer the leftover hot chocolate from the pot into it. Preston came back into the room with my clothes on him, which were a little to big, making him look more adorable then usual. "Have this. Sit." I pushed the hot chocolate toward him and gestured to the couch. He went and sat down, so I followed. Once we were situated, I put my mug down and faced him. "Preston? Why did you show up here tonight? What did you mean by 'going away'?" I asked. He looked up at me with his shining brown eyes. "I'm so worthless! No one loves me or ever will! I shouldn't exist!" He yelled and started crying. I pulled him closer to me and let him cry into my shoulder. "Preston. Look at me." he pulled his head out from my chest and stared at me. Without even thinking, I pulled him close to me and crashes his lips into mine. He was shocked at first, but then slowly got used to It and kissed me back. After a solid two minutes, I pulled away. "Preston, were you gonna try to hurt yourself today?" I asked. He looked away from me and nodded. I turned his head back to me and whispered "I love you Preston. Never leave me. You are perfect in every way, and if you ever feel like this again come talk to me. I'll be here, arms open. Promise?" He kissed me again. I pulled away. "Promise?" I asked again. He looked down to the floor. "Promise." he finally said. "Good." I laughed as I pulled him in for another kiss. He melted into it this time like the lava mob he was. "Robby? Can I stay here?" He asked between kisses. "Preston, you can stay here as long as I can have you!" I joked. "Good. Because I'm never leaving." he said as he started to lay down on the couch. I let him fall to the pillows, watching his eyes flutter shut. I think he was aero before his head it the pillows. I picked him up bridal style and carried him upstairs to my bedroom. I lay him down in the bed and then slide in next to him. He curled into my chest and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you Rob." he whispered. "I love you too Pearston. Never forget it." I whispered back as I planted a kiss on his forehead and drifted to sleep beside him.

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