Vitch: Those Three Words

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=Mitch's POV=

"This is perfect, Mitch." Vikk smiled, sitting down on the little picnic blanket I spread across the back yard. "I love you, Vikk." I said, sitting down beside him and letting him rest his head on my shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled sweetly, eyes sparkling in what was left of the sunlight. I didn't expect an answer from him, he's never given me one to those words.

Just because he didn't say them doesn't mean he didn't actually love me, because I know he did. I could tell. The way he smiled at me after I tried -and most of the time failed- at being romantic. The way he'd laugh and say "you're such an idiot" after I did something stupid. The gleam in his eyes when I told him I loved him myself. He loved me, just like I loved him, but he wouldn't just say the words. I didn't blame him.

After his parents divorce, a heart break and the loss of his two best friends, "I love you" should've probably been harder for him than it actually was. Growing up listening to his parents fight, but whenever he was around saying how much they loved each other and him. But, unfortunately for my sweet Vikk, that didn't end up so well. Everything was busted, from his parents marriage to Vikk's lip after just barely getting hit with a broken beer bottle.

Not long after that, when Vikk was still in England, heartbreak struck the little angel like lightning. He dated a girl named Eliza. I never liked her... She had that bad vide coming from her, ya know? But hey, if you love them let them go (even though technically, he hadn't been mine yet). So I let the duo go on their merry way, until Vikk called me sobbing and asking me to come to London because Eliza had cheated on him with one of his best friends, Ali. Heartbroken, he called me and his friend named Mia.

All Mia had to do was drive ten minutes to get to him, but I flew across the ocean to try to save the heart of the boy I wanted to myself. After a month in England healing our broken little friend, Vikk sat both of us down and told us a secret; he was bisexual. This sent Mia on a rampage. Screaming at the tearful Vikk about "after all I've done for you, you tell me you're a sin?" And "I can't believe I wasted my time with you, Lord forgive." Before storming out of the house. All healing that Mia and I had done to fix the broken boy was torn apart by her shit storm.

It was after I calmed him down, wiped away his tears and told him I supported him completely, I told why. Because I was gay, but I didn't tell him it was for him. "Mitch," he said, those beautiful brown eyes started glossing over again. "Yeah, Vikky?" I replied. "It's you." He whispered, so low I could barely hear him. "What's me?" I asked. "You are the one I fell for." He said, somehow softer then before. I didn't say a word, but tilted his chin up and kissed his pink lips. "I love you Vikk." I whispered. "I... I..." He shied away, unable to say the words back, but I wasn't afraid. "It's okay Vikky... I know it's hard. You don't have too. I know..." I soothed, rubbing his back as he buried his face in my shoulder. "Thank you Mitch..." He said softly, muffled by my shirt sleeve. "It's just because I... Well, you know." I said with a smile. He looked up at me and smiled weakly back. Finally.

And that brings us to where we are today. Vikk and I by the lakeside out back of our shared Boston home, a blanket over us as we watched the sun set behind the trees and the moonlight start to shine across the water. A light breeze ruffled my hair, and I saw Vikk blow his bangs from his eyes slightly. I looked over and smiled at him, lovingly and happily, knowing nothing would ever break my love again. Nor would they break his.

"Mitch?" Vikk asked, disturbing the peaceful silence. "What's up, Vikk?" I replied, wrapping one of my arms around him. "Can I ask you something?" He asked nervously. "Of course, you can ask me anything." I answered. Vikk took a deep breath, pulled himself away from me slightly and faced me, resting on one knee. One knee. "Mitchell Hughes, you saved me. You saved me from so many things, blocked the broken shards, and pulled me from drowning in my own ocean. I'm forever grateful to have someone so perfect in my life. Someone so perfect to call mine. But now," he reached into his sweatshirt pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. "Now, I want to make sure I can keep you forever. Mitch... I love you." If I wasn't crying by then, I defiantly was then. All those years of never hearing it answered back to me, it finally comes out. "I love you too." I whispered with a huge smile. "So Mitch," he opened the box, revealing a sparkling golden band with three diamonds spread across it. "Will you marry me?" He asked, smile growing when I started furiously nodding my head. "Yes, yes, yes!" I cried, laughing and crying together. "Hey, look at that. Three yes's for the Vikkstar, one, two and three!" He laughed, slipping the ring on my finger and kissing my softly.

"Vikk, I love you." I whispered when he we pulled apart. "Mitch, I love you too." He whispered back. "Vikk, I love you!" I said, louder than before. "I love you too, Mitch!" He said with a smile, standing up as I did. "Vikk Barn, I love you!" I shouted, lifting him up and spinning him around. He giggled and yelled "Mitch Hughes, I love you too!"

The only time I was ever happier to hear Vikk say those three words were when he followed them with "I do."


After note: Yes. This was unpublished and republished because I realized the beginning paragraph deleted itself. Whoops :/ hope you all still enjoyed tho <3

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