Poofless: Touch Of Color

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A/N: Question from last chapter: you can have more then one soulmate because your soulmate can change... Depending on circumstance. You'll see ;) Idk it's my logic XD AND SHOUTOUT TO ALL MY TBNRDUTY/PRESTLAN SHIPPERS OUT THERE XD I SHIP IT TOO BUT #POOFLESS OVERTAKES ALL XD

+Preston's POV+

"Well... Thanks Rob." I said, shyly smiling. "Seriously... Y-You look amazing... I... I c-can see you... The color..." Rob stuttered, suddenly looking away from me and up around him. I smiled, he was so cute, looking so lost. "D-Do y-you see it?" He asked, looking back at me, hopeful. "Yes Robby, I see it too." I said with a huge smile. "Oh, well- Wait! You do see it?" He said, shock on his face. "Yeah, it's not my first time though." I answered. "Me either... But I thought I'd never see it again... It's so beautiful." He explained, and then looked up. "But I can't see the sky. It's kinda raining." He pointed upwards.

He started to look for cover, but I grabbed his arm and kept him in the rain with me. "Robby, can we stay in the rain?" I asked with a smile. "Of course." He answered.

We stood in silence, letting the rain fall around us, until someone pulled up beside us on the sidewalk. "Preston? What are you doing? Who's- wait, Rob?" Lachlan opened his car door, stepping out in the rain with us. "Lachlan?" Rob asked, and I stood between the two confused. "You guys know each other?" I asked. "Yeah, he works with me. When exactly did you meet him?" Lachlan asked. "Uh... Now. Lachlan... I see him in color." I said. "I see him in color." Rob added, gesturing to me. "Wow, okay. And Preston, whatever happened back there, I'm sorry. You two can carry on." He grinned, then got backing his car and drove off.

"Robby, do you know the colors?" I asked as he we started walking down the sidewalk. "Like the names of all of them?" He asked. I nodded. "Well... Let's see. Your shirt is orange. Mine is blue. Lachlan's car was red. The leaves on the trees are green, so is the grass. And your eyes are the most brilliant shade of brown I've ever seen." He said, and I felt heat rising to my face. "Now your cheeks are pink." He commented, and I smiled. "Thanks." I said. "For what?" He asked, confused. "Showing me the color."


Rob and I ended up at his house, me sitting on the counter behind him as he made dinner for both of us. "Hey Prest-" Rob was about to say something when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and then answered it, seeing Lachlan's contact. "One sec. Hi Lachy!" I chirped. "Hey Preston." He said, very quietly. I jumped off the counter and left the room, a little worried. "Are you okay Lachlan? You sound upset." I asked. "I'm fine, I just needed to tell you something. When you were with me... You saw color, right?" He asked. My heart sunk a little. "Yeah, why?" I answered. "Because that first night at the party, I saw color too. But because we've always been friends and I didn't see it before, I thought it was someone else there. It faded when we left. So I continued thinking it was a stranger. Something must've happened that night during that party that made mine change. And yours didn't change until now." Lachlan explained, and I listened in shock. "Have you found them yet?" I asked quietly. "No. But I'm glad you found yours, buddy." He said. "Thanks Lachlan... You'll find yours soon. I gotta go, talk to you later. Bye dood." I said, hanging up my phone and walking back into the kitchen. "You okay?" Rob asked. "Yeah, sorry. It was Lachlan." I said, and he nodded.

"Robby, can I ask you something?" "Go for it." He replied. "Did you... You had another before me, right?" I said hesitantly. He turned around and stared at me for a moment, before nodding sadly. "H-Her name was Chelsea. S-She died from a car crash a few nights ago... She stayed alive in the hospital for a few days before her heart have out on her." Rob said, a tear slipping from his eyes. "And then it changed to me...?" I said softly, mostly to myself. "Yeah, then you became my soulmate." He said, clearly I didn't speak quietly enough. "Lachlan was mine for a few days... His changed after the first night. I guess something happened to change it away from me, and mine didn't switch until today.
I guess the one-sided thing took place. And then I met you." I smiled at the end, and he blushed and smiled back. "And I'm very glad you did." He said, leaving his food and walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. "So am I." I said, draping my arms over his shoulders. He looked up at me and smiled, eyes sparkling, and in the moment I leaned down and softly let my lips meet his.

My hands went up and culled his face, pulling him up to me. I smiled slightly against his lips, before pulling away. I kept my hands on his face as I jumped from the counter. "So..." I smirked, slowly pulling my hands away, until I had one finger under his chin. I brought his face towards me and kissed his cheek again. "What's for dinner?"

He stood and stared at me for a moment, before snapping back into reality, a smirk across his lips as well. "Pasta and meatballs, you like?" He answered. "Indeed. How'd you know?" I asked. "Honestly, who doesn't like that?" He replied, going back to the pot and adding something to the contents. "You're quite the chef, aren't you?" I asked. "Yeah, kinda. Cooking's fun." He said, smiling at nothing. "Well, you're a cute little chef." I told him, watching his cheeks flush the light color I now knew as pink.

"You know," I said, sneaking my arms around his waist. "I think I like you better than I ever would've liked Lachy." This caused him to laugh, which made me smile. His laugh was the cutest. "I won't tell Lachlan you said that." He said. "Thanks, that's probably smart. Aussie would take that as a huge blow to his self esteem." I grinned. "Nah, I don't think anything can deflate that mans ego." Rob replied, and I burst out laughing. Rob laughed along with me, and knew i knew I'd always remember this moment right here.

<<Magical Time Skip Of Color>>

After Rob and I ate -it was freaking delicious, that boy can cook- we ended up on the couch with me in his arms. "Hey Robby?" He looked down at me and smiled. "What's up Preston?" He asked. "Thank you." I said. "For what?" "Showing me the color." I answered. "Didn't you already tell me that today?" He chuckled. "Yeah. But... But it means a lot. This is beautiful. You're beautiful." I said. "As are you. Thank you for showing me mine as well." He said, kissing the top of my head. I yawned and closed my eyes, cuddling into Rob's chest. "Goodnight Preston." He whispered into my hair. "Night Robby... Thank you."

Weird ending but whatever! _ceceliajane_ slayed her first ever writing piece by the way, don't you think, Rosebuds? I sure do. ALSO SORRY AGAIN PRESTLAN SHIPPERS HAHAHAHA XD Anyway, hope you all enjoyed, much love, and peace out! ~Rosie <3

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