Noochless: This Is Real

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The second our lips touched, I was whipped away from the perfection and pulled back into reality. I guess the boy of my dreams will stay as he is; in my dreams.


My alarm blared and I groaned, rolling over and smacking the alarm. "Robby!" My roommate yelled with as much energy as he could. "You need a quieter alarm!" He complained. "Go back to sleep, Preston. Be thankful you aren't as stupid as me and didn't sign up for morning classes." I mumbled, and he rolled back over. "Fudging pleb." Preston said under his breath, making me smile a little. He's such a little kid, it was hilarious.

I dug through my clothes and pulled on black skinny jeans and my favorite blue sweater. Then I ran to the bathroom and washed up, brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face. I ran back to our dorm and grabbed what I needed for my class, and mumbled a goodbye to Preston; even though I knew he wouldn't hear me.

I left the building and stepped out into the cold Canadian air, a chilled wind screwing up my hair, which I tried to make half decent. "Never again will I sign up for morning classes." I muttered to myself, walking with my head down towards classroom. There was one benefit to this class though. There was a really cute guy in it with me. He was just... Whoa. And I didn't even know his name. His dark curls were messy in the hottest way, his deep brown eyes always sparkled in any lighting, his smile literally lit up whatever room he was in. And then of course, there was what I'd gathered from the few times I'd talked to him. He had an adorable laugh, an angelic voice, and he seemed super sweet. So basically, he was pretty close to perfect.

Five more minutes of walking, an hour and a half of our teacher lecturing while I zoned out and stared at the hot boy, and ten minutes of packing up after class, I was on my way back to my room. Because the only friends I had weren't stupid and signed up for afternoon classes, I couldn't even meet up with them to walk back to our dorm. So alone I walked, head down and trying to avoid as many people as I could.

"Hey!" A voice called behind me. Thinking it wasn't for me, I kept going, until they yelled again. "Rob!" Now I turned, wondering which one of these people knew my name. I didn't see anyone I knew, so I just stopped walking to see if they were behind someone else. "Rob!" They called again, and I finally saw who it was. Him.

I waited until he caught up to me, and just watched him for a moment as he caught his breath. "Hi." He said, looking up at me. "Hey." I said awkwardly. "You're in the Craft dorm building right?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I replied. "My roommate got a boyfriend and he's in your building. My buddy wanted me to meet him." He answered. When I didn't say anything after that, he continued. "Can you show me where it is?" "Oh, yeah. Sure thing. This way." I said, cringing at my own stupidity.

We walked in silence, and I can confirm it was the most awkward silence of my entire life. When we got to the building, he opened the door for me, and I stepped in. "Thanks..." I realized that I still didn't know his name. "No problem. And my name's Mat." He said with a grin as he followed me in.

"What floor is your friends boyfriend on?" I asked, hoping he didn't say my floor. "Uh, seven I think." Goddamn it. "Oh, cool. That's where I am too." The elevator opened and we both stepped in, not making eye contact with each other. "Alright, can I tell you something?" Mat asked, turning to me. Oh no. "Uh, sure?" "I knew where the dorm was, but I always see you walking alone. You seem like a really cool guy, plus you're pretty cute. So I wanted to come with you. Sorry I made this extremely awkward." He said kinda sadly, turning away from me. Did he just call he cute? "No, that's my fault.
I... Well... I really like you, and I didn't wanna screw up, so I tried to keep the conversation to minimum. I'm sorry." I apologized, and he turned back to me with excited eyes. "You like me?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Well, I like you too." He stated with a grin. "You what?" I said, totally not expecting that. "Yeah. Whatdaya say we go out some time?" He asked. I nodded, smiling to myself as the elevator door opened again. "I'll come to your dorm, then my buddy's boyfriend. Cool?" He asked, following me down the hallway. "Sure, you can meet my roommate or whatever." I grinned. I think Preston would get a kick outta this guy.

I unlocked my dorm and pushed the door open, immediately being shocked by the sight. "Preston?" I asked. Not only did Preston look up, but the boy under him did too. "Brandon?" Mat looked confused, glancing back and forth between me and the boy beneath Preston. "Hey Mat! This is my boyfriend, Preston." The boy said awkwardly, working to slide out from under Preston. "Hey Rob! This is my boyfriend, Brandon." Preston matched 'Brandon's' awkwardness, rolling off Brandon. "Pres, you were asleep like, two hours ago." I commented. "You were gone like, two hours ago. And Brandon, as you said, isn't stupid like you to sign up for morning classes." Preston retorted. "Hey!" Mat spoke up. "That's my classmate." I grinned, pointing to Mat. "That's my roommate." Mat pointed to Brandon. "That's mine." I nodded towards Preston. "Quite the small world, huh?" Brandon smiled. "Well, nice to meet you Rob." "You as well, Brandon." "Use protection, Preston." Mat smirked. "Same to you." Preston replied, glancing over at me. "No." I said simply. "Aw, ruin my plans, Robby." Mat's smirk grew as he flung his arms around me.

"Aaaaaand... I'm gonna go. Bye Pres, by Brandon. Don't break the beds." I said, turning directly around and walking out of the room. "Same. Bye doods." Mat said from behind me, closing the door and than catching up to me. "You know, I said I'd take you out sometime. I think that some time should be now." He said, grinning as we walked back to the elevators. "I can live with that." I smiled back. "Good," he said, stepping into the elevator beside me. "'Cause I've been looking forward to this for a while." He continued, leaning over to me. "Honestly? So have I." I smiled again, and he leaned closer. I could feel his breath on my face, his lips were barely inches from mine. "Perfect."

He closed the distance softly, pressing his lips to mine.

And as he presses his lips to mine, I expected everything to be ripped away from me like it was last time. My dream to have been over like it was before. But no... This? This was real.

This was supposed to be a song-shot but it sucked and I deleted it and it ended up this was because I couldn't do anything with the song even though I loved it so much I is sad ~Rosie <3

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