Verome: Not Over You

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<<Third Person POV>>

Hands on cheeks and arms wrapped around necks. "You know, you look gorgeous in this moonlight." One whispered, and he could see the slight blush rise on his cheeks in the silver glow around us. "You know, I love you." The second said, you could hear the smile in his voice. "You know," The first said, pulling the other up slightly so he could meet his lips. "I love you too, Vikk."

Dreams: that's where I have to go, to see your beautiful face anymore.

Jerome woke abruptly from his dream, sighing as he realized that it wasn't reality. He rolled to the side, glancing at the picture frame on his bedside table. A photo of him, kissing the love of his life on the cheek as the boy snapped the selfie. "I miss you." He mumbled to the picture, before getting up and starting to dress himself for the day. As he ran around his room, he flicked on the radio, lightly humming the tune of the song.

I stare at a picture of you, and listen to the radio.

The boy walked out to his car after finishing making himself presentable for the world. It was often where he sat in his car, alone with the radio and the memories and the occasional tears. He'd drive and drive and drive until he didn't know where he was, which seemed to be the only thing to keep him distracted from his missing piece.

Hope, hope there's a conversation, where we both admit we had it good

His friends tried to keep him out of the isolation he put himself in. But what the other boys didn't understand was why Jerome didn't want to be near them. All the others had what Jerome didn't; someone to love. His roommate Mitch had a lover, and his best friends Mat and Rob did too. And sure, it would be easy for Jerome to just take one look around the Florida streets and find a man. But why didn't he?

All Jerome wanted was Vikk.

But until then, it's alienation I know, that much is understood, and I realize

"Hey, how you doing, buddy?" A young blonde sat across from his best friend and one-of-three travel partners, a dark skinned and raven haired Brit. "I'm... I'm good. You?" Vikk had learned to lie straight through his teeth. Some days, he got close to admitting how he really felt to his Australian best friend, but he could never bring himself to actually say the words.

If you asked me how I'm doing, i would say I'm doing just fine.

"Do you ever miss home, Vikky?" Preston had joined the duo at their table, and telling them about his wish to be back home. "Yeah." Vikk answered simply, without turning his gaze away from the window. "Can I be honest? I really miss Mat." Preston said, sighing. "I don't like being away from the other guys for so long, especially Mitch. How about you, Vikk? How's Jerome doing with long distance?" Lachlan asked. Vikk nodded a little as he answered with a quiet "Fine, I guess." What Lachlan didn't know, nor Preston or Brandon (the fourth boy they traveled with) was that while Vikk was gone, Jerome and him had separated. They thought they couldn't handle long distance and they should take the time to see other people.

I would lie and say that you're not on my mind.

Eventually, Lachlan and Preston left the small cafe, leaving little Vikk to his thoughts. Vikk, you need to let him go. He scolded himself, taking a sip of the coffee he had ordered before Preston and Lachlan left. He's over you. He's probably found some other great guy, and hasn't had a second thought about you. And Vikk hated the thought that Jerome had completely forgot about him, so he washed that away with another sip of the cooling coffee. Vikk argued back and forth with himself for a minute, before he sighed and rested his head on the table. "Im not over you."

But I go out and I sit down at a table set for two, and finally I'm forced to face the truth. No matter what I say, I'm not over you.

Jerome couldn't face people. He had become truly antisocial and wouldn't talk to anyone aside from Mat, Rob and Mitch. He waited by the phone and prayed for a call from his British ex-lover, but he knew there was a slim chance of that really happening. Mitch was worried, seeing Jerome drag himself around every single day, sometimes go without eating or drinking for a day or so. Mitch sometimes had to force Jerome to eat.

"Jerome... You need to eat." Mitch would plead. "I'm not hungry." He always got the same answer. One day, after talking to Rob, Mitch figured out what was happening. "Jerome, please eat. Vikk wouldn't want to see you like this."Jerome whirled around and stared at Mitch, before collapsing into his friends arms and crying. "I c-can't d-do this Mitch. I-I'd do anything to h-have him b-back." Jerome wailed, clutching to Mitch.

And if I had the chance to renew, you know there isn't a thing that I wouldn't do

"Aw, biggums, everything will be okay, Vikk will be back soon and there'll be no distance-" "He's not coming back, Mitch!" Jerome yelled, tears still streaming down his face. "Of course he is. If Lachy and Brandon and Preston are coming back, Vikk surely is too." Mitch assured. "H-He hasn't c-called me o-once." Jerome stuttered, and Mitch sighed. "Jerome, I promise everything will be alright. But can we get you some food, will you come out to lunch with Rob and Mat and I?" Mitch tried. Jerome paused for a moment, then slowly nodded. "For Vikk?" Mitch asked with a small smile. Jerome nodded again. "Just for Vikk."

I could get back on the right track, but only if you'd be convinced.

"Hey Lachlan? I'll be back to the hotel a little later, I'm gonna stop somewhere." Vikk said into his phone. "Alright Vikky, I'll tell Brandon to leave the door unlocked. See ya." Lachlan answered before hanging up. Vikk was out shopping for the upcoming travels, and he wanted one last stop before he left this city. He walked into the cafe be sat in on his first day here, in the same booth and with the same drink. The. He pulled out his phone again and dialed an oh-so-familiar number, one he never thought he'd dial again. One ring, two rings, three- "Hello?" He was both overjoyed and heartbroken at the voice. Vikk took a deep breath. "Jerome?" He heard the man on the other end gasp. "V-Vikk?" A shaken Jerome replied. "Hi." Vikk said. "Hey." Jerome answered awkwardly. "It's been a while, Jerome. I... I think it's been to long." Vikk said, sighing softly. "Yeah... It has. It really has." Jerome said, sighing as well. "So how are you, Jerome?" Another sigh heard. "I'm good Vikky," Of course Jerome was doing fine without him. Why is he surprised? "How about you?" Vikk thought about it. Should he answer truthfully? "I'm fine." He lied.

So until then, if you ask me how  doing, I would say I'm doing just fine I would lie and say that you're not on my mind.

"Vikk, can I be honest with you?" Jerome asked after a moment. "Of course, Jerome." Vikk answered. "I lied. I'm not good. I... I miss you, Vikk. I need you at home again, I need you in my arms again. Life sucked for so long and I was terrible, you can ask Mitch. He had to force me to eat sometimes. I just... When are you coming home, Vikky?" Jerome's voice broke at the end of all that, which made Vikk want to cry.

I go out, and I sit down at a table set for two, and finally I'm forced to face the truth:

"Jerome?" Vikk asked. "Yeah?" "Can I be honest with you too?" Vikk looked around the small cafe and then at the coffee in front of him. He took a sip as Jerome answered yes. "I lied to you too. Everything I say to the guys is a lie. I'm not fine. I love you Jerome, and I miss you so damn much it hurts. They always ask if I'm alright and I lie.

"No matter what I say, I'm not over you."

"Vikk?" "Yeah?" "I love you too."

Incoming seventy thousand song shots ~Rosie <3

P.S. School and homework can suck my dick

Not Over You, by Gavin DeGraw

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