Poofless: Dare

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Preston's POV

It was finally that time again, the whole pack was back together. We were all on the floor me sitting next to Rob, Mitch next to Jerome, and Lachlan with Vikk sitting on his lap. We were playing truth or dare, it was my turn. "Preston truth or dare?" Mitch said. "Dare." I said immediately regretting my decision. "I dare you to....." Mitch said until a sly smile spread across his face. Oh no, I thought. "I dare you to do seven minutes of heaven with Rob." I looked at Rob blushing, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact. We finally got up and went to the closet. Everyone followed and before closing the door Mitch said "Try not to swallow each other in there" he laughed and shut the door. Rob looked at me, all I could see were his eyes, staring at me. Without a word he threw his arms around me and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync it was like nothing I could have ever described, so many thoughts were buzzing through my mind. We didn't even notice someone opening the door. Rob pulled away, and we both looked up at the boys watching in awe. Mitch had his phone out... "MITCH" me and Rob yelled in unison. "POOFLESS CONFIRMED" Mitch screamed into the phone. Mitch lowered the camera and ran away, leaving the other three laughing and Rob and I in shock. "No! Get back here!" Rob shouted, pushing by me and taking off after Mitch. I followed on their heels, as I was not about to let Mitch post that; I knew that exactly what he was doing. "Boys!" Mitch called once we'd trapped him in the office room. "I need help!" He yelled, and instantly Jerome was at his side. "Toss it here!" Mitch did, and then Jerome was running from the room with it in his hand. "Jerome, c'mon, give it to me!" I yelled, following him from the room and into the kitchen, where Lachlan and Vikk now stood, just watching. I cornered Jerome, and he flailed his arms so I couldn't grab the phone from his hands. "Hand off! Hand off!" He yelled to Vikk and Lachlan. Lachlan reached over like he was about to take it, but then Vikk snatched it and ran. "Mitch! Instagram or Twitter?" Vikk asked as he ran into the dining room. "Both!" Mitch answered, dragging Rob into the room. I walked into the room Vikk was in, kind of excepting the fact that the picture was going to be posted, no matter how much Preston and I fought. Vikk had the phone open across the room, and was typing something. "Vikk, please, no! Neither!" I begged. He looked up at me and smiled. "Come on, who's it gonna kill?" He joked. "Fangirls." I mumbled in reply. "Well... I think they can live with it." He turned the phone so I could see the screen, finger hovering over the 'POST' button on Instagram. "Any last words?" He smirked. "Yes!" Mitch cheered pushed passed me, followed by Jerome and Lachlan. They stood in a line, staring at me, probably waiting for some sort of reaction. Then Rob walked up and stood next to me, an agitated look on his face. Everyone that faces us wore the same stupid grin, and then Vikk started counting. "Five... Four... Three..." Rob sent a sad smile my way. "We lost pretty bad." he said. "But we might as well embrace it." He kissed me again, as everyone else screamed "POSTED!" As loud as they could. "Aw, look. Couldn't stay away from each other." Mitch teased. I broke away and glared at the other four. "You know," I started, my glare turning to a grin. "We never finished that game..." I trailed off, raising my eyebrows. "Yeah, I think Preston and I are owed a little payback." Rob said, catching on. "Nah, mate, I think we finished." Lachlan said, a hint of terror in his eyes. Jerome gave us a worried glance, them looked back at the other three. Rob and I burst out laughing. "Oh, we definitely aren't finished here..."

A/N hey guys this is Maddie finally!!!
Well I really like poofless and it's Prestons birthday today so in honor of him here is my one shot!! Hope you all enjoy!!!! --Maddie

P.S. Aye Rosie take over for a second!!! Maddie is convinced she's a bad writer, so show some love so she can start her own solo fanfic!!!! Thanks Rosebuds! ~Rosie <3

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