Poofless: The Lonely Day That Follows (Part 2)

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"I don't have words to describe him, really... Preston is everything. Preston's my everything."

I could see Lachlan's ghost of a smile as I kept talking.

"Preston is anything but ordinary. He's loved by many and adored by more; I've never met a single person who's told me they didn't like him. How could you not? He's got that ever-bright smile and contagious laugh... He never fails to make me endlessly happy.

"You can always tell his mood based on his eyes. There's a certain light in them when he's truly happy, and when he isn't, that light would dull. I bet that light is in his eyes now, wherever he is.

"Preston aways tells me stories, every time I'm with him... All about his family and his friends. Yeah, he loves everyone, but the giggle in his voice as he would talk about a joke his sister made or a comment one of his brother's uttered, you know there's a special type of love.

"He means so much to everyone here, and including me, and, well, especially me... God, I love him... I always will. I just... I never got the chance to tell him..."

Tears fell down my cheeks fast now, and Lachlan was up by my side leading me down before I even knew it.

Knowing I'd be unable to finish, I just let Lach guide me, and once I was sitting down he moved back to take my place.

"Preston was more than just a brother, a son, a best friend and a lover. He was a light source. And now, he's gone, but we'll have to push on until in darkness we find our new light, because that's what Preston would want us to do. Yes, he will always be loved and missed. But that doesn't mean we can't move on while we keep him forever in our hearts. He always told me never to dwell on the past, look into the future because the future is bright. There's a new light out there, one that Preston will guide us all to see."

Lachlan spoke beautifully for another moment before thanking everyone and stepping down to sit with me again.

I turned and began quietly crying into Lachlan's shoulder, zoning out on everything around me that was happening until Lachlan was pulling me to a stand. "C'mon, Rob... Let's go see Preston's family." He whispered to me, as others who were attending Preston's services began to file out.

Letting Lachy lead me again, I kept my head down, and didn't look up until I felt a pair of arms around me.

"Rob, I'm so sorry..." It was Keeley, Preston's little sister.

"So am I, Keels, so am I..." I whisper, pulling her tight into my arms.

We just embraced for a moment, but soon enough I let go to acknowledge and talk to Preston's other immediate family.

After a while, when most of the people were gone, Lachlan and I stood alone outside the funeral home.

"What I wouldn't give to see him one more time, just say all the words I never could..." I said to him, looking up. My eyes were still watery, red and puffy.

"Me too, Rob... It already feels bad, man, just knowing..."

"That your best friend committed suicide and you were just minutes too late? Tell me about it." I sighed.

Lachlan reached down and squeezed my hand. "It wasn't your fault... This will never be your fault." He told me.

I just glanced away, up at the cloudy and rainy sky.

Preston, why'd you have to go so early?

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