The Pack & Friends: Holiday Wishes

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A/N: cross ships cross ships cross ships Troyler_xo I know you love them

also this may be a little hard to follow but im tryna tell everyone's stories XD


"Why are we in Texas for Christmas when Preston's Jewish?" Kenny asked as the boys jumped into Preston's moms -because Preston's wouldn't fit all five of them- car. "Because... It's warm and sunny, and my family loves you all." Preston replied. "Aww. The TBNR family is goals." Rob sighed. "I love your family." "They all love you too. Including me." Preston winked back at Rob, who blushed. "Shut up, you pleb." It took one glance between Brandon and Lachlan for them to yell "Hashtag Poofless!" In unison. Kenny laughed, and both Preston and Rob blushed some more. "I'm tryna drive! Don't make me crash!" Preston whined, not wanting to deal with the Poofless banter when his crush was beside him in the passenger seat.

No, Preston wasn't actually crushing on Rob. Yes, RIP Poofless. Despite what fangirls thought, Preston was head over heals for Kenny. His hair, his eyes, his smile, his personality, everything. All Preston wanted for Christmas -well, Hanukkah, but that already passed by- was the cute blonde beside him. But he knew that wouldn't happen.

In the back of the car, the others were thinking about their Christmas wishes too. Brandon was in desperate need of money, to buy more music for his phone, and he also needed love. It was lonely in California, even though it was one of the biggest of the fifty states. And even though it wasn't one of the 'normal' ships -could a gay ship even be normal?- he loved the other male anyway. Choco. Brandon loved everything about the bird. He was sweet, he was caring, he was funny, he was smart, he was everything that made up a perfect person -In Brandon's mind.

That perfect person to Rob was his fellow Canadian -not the fake one, who moved to America. Rob had fallen in love with Nooch. The playful boy had become one of Rob's closest friends, and he couldn't help but wish for them to be closer. Rob had made a promise to himself that this Christmas, he would tell Mat how he felt. He couldn't hide it any longer.

Not only did Rob promise himself, but he promised Lachlan. And if Rob told Mat his feelings, Lachlan had to tell Mitch. Lachlan had fallen for the Canadian/American almost three years ago, when Lachlan was only 16. Ah, young love. Mitch may have been older by three years, but Lachlan didn't care. He hoped Mitch wouldn't either.

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What these five didn't know was that the other five were equally in love with one of the boys. The problems were, each boy was too shy, too scared, or just to ignorant to tell their crushes about how they felt. Mitch returned Lachlan's feelings full force. Mat was madly in love with Rob, and Choco thought Brandon was the best thing in the world. Meanwhile, Kenny and Preston were equally crushing on each other, together (in Texas) already while the others had to wait.

Now... Hmm. I'm missing a few, aren't I? Yes, little Vikk and Jerome. The Brit and the Jersey boy each had their crushes: each other. But again... These usually-straight (well, not straight)- forward guys were too scared to tell their friends about their love life; or the love of their life.

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By the time they arrived at Preston's condo, everybody was happy to get out of the cramped car. After Preston handed everyone's luggage to them, they followed him inside the home.

Brandon and Kenny were the first to reach the door. They opened it, and were immediately attacked in hugs. Preston's siblings were all on the side of the door, waiting for the others to come home. Mixed in with the Aresments was Choco, who arrived a little while after Preston had left. "Choco?!" They all exclaimed, making the bird laugh. "Surprise!" He chuckled, pulling Kenny and Lachlan -the closest to him- into hug. Brandon couldnt help but feel a pang of sadness; he wanted to be in Choco's arms instead.

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