Rosie: Her Rosebuds

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A/N: So hopestar524 EnderInfinityYT and FinalScripts did this thank you thing... I figured I'd give it a shot myself. See where it goes...


"Kobe! What the hell were you thinking!" A girl was woken by her mother screaming at her younger brother. She sighed to herself, starting to open her misty grey eyes. She sat up a little bit and turned on her phone to shut off the song that was playing, "Flares" by The Script. I guess I never shut off my music last night. She thought. But when she went to turn it on, she noticed a spam of notifications on her home screen. Twitter took the top spot, then Kik, and lastly Wattpad. Oh, and a message from her friend saying something about a cute guy by her vacation home. The girl laughed as she opened her phone, totally forgetting to shut off the song playing.

She sat on her bed for a few minutes replying to the Kik messages from her friends Em and Megan, who always seemed to spam her when she woke up late like today. Guys, she had replied to her friends, it's ten thirty, I'm trying to sleep! They all spammed a "hey Rosie!" In their group chat, to which she temporarily ignored so she could check her Wattpad notices. She pulled up the app and smiled at what she saw, at least fifteen notifications. Most were comments and votes on one of her stories, but a few were book updates, which she read while trying not to have what she called "a feels-attack." Once she finished the few updates fanfictions, she decided to actually get out of bed.

She got up, opened her door and walked down the stairs, only to fall back onto the couch. She still had Wattpad up, so she started reading the comments on her work. She smiled, seeing her day already brighten as most people said positive things about her writing. Then she switched from notices to messages, where Final had messaged her. ((A/N: Sorry, this is what I call you Final XD)) "That chapter! Ugh, I'm so gonna regret my one shot." Final has said. She and Final tried to see who could break the others feelings the most, and from the looks of it, Rosie was winning.

Rosie pulled her legs to her chest and started writing again, finishing a chapter of her book. "What're you doing?" Her younger brother Kobe asked, jumping on the couch next to her. "Writing." Rosie replied simply. "Of course you are, you and your reading and writing! Writing sucks! So does reading!" He insulted, and Rosie glared at him. "Shut up, it isn't." She argued, not feeling up for the daily fight with her brother. "Yeah it-" "Enough." Their mother silenced them from the kitchen. "Whatever." Rosie sighed and got up again, running back up to her room. Why do I even bother going down there? She thought, closing her door again and flopping back onto her bed.


The rest of the day was her curled up in her room, phone never leaving her hands, typing away. She went back an forth from her Kik messages to her Wattpads messages to her chapters. Well, except for the forty five minutes where she took a walk to the abandoned nearby park, sitting on a swing and continuing her writing there. With help of her lovely Rosebuds, she made it through the day, or, most of it.

As she sat at that park, on her little swing, there was a sudden downpour over her. But instead of running to hide under cover, she turned off her phone and put in her pocket, then started swinging. The rain would always be her favorite part of any day. Sure, it rained in Massachusetts often, but she didn't care. She loved getting her hair wet and running around barefoot in the mud and the smell the water made as it hit the pavement.

So after a while of swinging in the rain, she jumped off and started home. She was soaking wet from head to toe, and didn't care one bit.

When she made it home, she stepped through the front door and was immediately greeted by her mother. "Rosie! Where've you been, you've got a double header tonight! Field hockey first, then Jada will bring you and Kiwi to basketball! Hurry up, dry off, change, pack your bags! You change in the car." Her mom instructed, and Rosie sighed. Whatever. Get it over with.

<<Time Skip, I suck at basketball and am decent at field hockey>>

Rosie collapsed on her bed after the two games and a shower, hair dripping down her back. She grabbed her phone and curled up in the corner of her bed, pulling up Wattpad after shooting quick replies to Vic and Hope about whatever the hell they were talking about tonight. She scrolled through notifications, smiling as she read each comment and silently cursing because Wattpad sucks and she couldn't reply to them. Then she quickly typed a message to Wild ((Again, that's what I call you, I'm so sorry XP)) about Final's one shot.

After a while of writing, she published a late chapter. She immediately got a few votes and comments, all one-hundred percent positive. She turned her phone off for the night and plugged it in beside her, smiling up at the ceiling. God, my life would suck without these people. They mean the word to me. And I don't think they'll ever understand.

This sucks. I honestly can't describe you guys. Amazing. Sweet. Caring. Lovely. My favorite people on Earth. Ugh, I love you all so much! Anyway, hope you enjoyed that little peek at my life. (I didn't use my brothers real name, nor my friends. >.<) Much love as always Rosebuds, ~Rosie <3

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