Merome: Never Again

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{Mitch's POV}

"So whatcha guys wanna do today?" I asked my five best friends, who were lounging around the living room with me. "Nothing?" Preston suggested. "C'mon, we've gotta do something!" I urged. "Why though?" Lachlan asked. I threw my hands up in defeat. "Ugh, fine. You're so difficult." I sighed, standing up and walking back to my bedroom. I shut the door behind me as I flopped onto my bed. Within seconds, I head a knock. "Enter." I called, and my other three best friends walked in. "I'm bored too." Vikk said, sitting down next to me. "Same." Rob added. "I think of all four of us work together, we could get Lachy and Preston off the couch." Jerome said. "Let's give it a shot." I helped myself off the bed and then pulled the other up.

"Vikky? Can we go to the swings? Please?" Lachlan whined as we walked through the entrance to the park. "Fine, Lachy. If we must." Vikk sighed, but couldn't hide his smile as Lachlan pulled him away. "Shall we keep going then?" I asked and the others nodded. "So... Whatcha guys want for your birthdays?" Preston asked Jerome and I. Our birthdays were next week, mine six days before his. "You still haven't gotten them anything?" Rob asked. "Yeah... Maybe... No..." Preston answered, grinning. "I dunno..." Jerome went off, dropping hints for a few ideas. But I stayed quiet, thinking of the one thing I wanted. More then anything else in the world. But I couldn't have it. Never in a million years would the perfect present wind up in my arms. Jerome.

I've been in love with Jerome since if met him, that day in elementary school so many years ago. His sparkling cocoa eyes, short brown hair, bright smile, angelic laugh. Everything about him. But of course, I was only his best friend. He didn't want anything more, and it was almost painful to know that he didn't love me like I loved him. But I hid the heartbreak -along with my true feelings- with a fake smile and forced laugh.

"What about you, Mitch? What do you want?" Preston asked. "Oh, um... Nothing. Don't get me anything." I said, trying to hide the sadness in my voice. "Come on, Micthy, there's gotta be something!" Rob pried. "No, really. All I want is... Well, impossible. So I don't want anything." I spoke before my mind could process my words, a immediately regretted it. I knew then and there that is screwed myself over. We'll see where it goes. "Nothing's impossible! What is it you want, biggums?" Jerome asked with a hopeful smile. When I saw the hope in his eyes as well, I broke. "You really wanna know?" I asked as my heart beats picked up a bit. "Yes!" Preston insisted. "Just tell us." Rob said. "Please?" Jerome added. I sighed. I stopped walking and turned to face all three of them. "All I want...." I stared directly at Jerome. "Is you." I quickly pressed my lips on his. I backed away, only seconds later, after not feeling Jerome kiss back. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. When I looked, all three of them stood shocked. Preston and Rob stayed silent, jaws dropped, but Jerome tried to form some sort of sentence. "Mitch, I... I love you... But not like... Mitch. I'm sorry-" "Impossible. What did I say? I shouldn't have told you." I cut him off quietly as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I turned away from my stunned friends, and ran in the direction we come from, trying to get as far away from them as I could.

Once I thought I was out of their line of sight, I turned and darted into the woods. When I was hidden enough, I collapsed against a tree and pulled my legs into my chest. I wiped away the tears that I didn't know had fallen, buried my face in my knees, and continued to quietly sob at my own stupidity.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mitch..." I turned away, knowing that voice. "Leave me alone, Jerome." I muttered, but he decided to sit down next to me. "Mitch, please look at me." He said calmly. "No. I'm never looking. At you, or at any of them again. I'm leaving that house and getting out of your lives forever, I'm so stupid and worthless. No one loves me, why did I even bother trying with you?" I replied, mostly talking to myself. "No you aren't. Mitchell Hughes, look at me." He said, moving so he was in front of me. "Jerome, stop. Please." "Mitch, I need you to kiss me again." he said, and I jerked my head up. "Funny, Jerome. Just get away from me, okay? Can't you see that this hurt me enough? Are you trying to make it worse?" I snapped. "Yes. And I'm trying to fix it. Kiss me again." He answered, putting a hand on each of my shoulders. "Jerome..." I sighed. "I need this, Mitch." He said quietly. I slowly tilted my head up and leaned towards him. He met me half way, and our lips collided.

Sparks flew and fireworks exploded, along with my heart. He pulled me closer to him, so that I was practically in his lap. Eventually, he pulled away, smiling shyly at me. "I love you, Mitch." He said. "I-I... I love you too. But why? Why here? Not out there, by Rob and Preston?" I asked curiously. Jerome sighed. "How do I explain this... I've felt something for you for a long time. But I told myself it was nothing, that we were best friends. When you kissed me back there... Something clicked, and I knew it was more. So I wanted to try again. But what if it wasn't? I didn't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you, break your heart. But that second kiss helped me to see if I really love you. Which I do." He explained. "Yeah, well, you nearly broke my heart here instead." I mumbled. "I'm sorry, Mitch. I didn't mean to hurt you." Jerome answered, pulling me into his chest. I lay my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I will never hurt you again, Mitch." He whispered into my hair. "Never again?" I asked, looking up into his shining cocoa eyes. He smiled, and pecked my lips. "Never again."

I wrote this ages ago in my notebook, so I copied it here! Pretty sure I copied this idea from someone... But I honestly have no idea who or what book. Credit to you, whoever it was. My chapter of Headphones deleted itself earlier, and I truly didn't feel like rewriting the 1,000+ words I had. So I'll do it later, lol. Anyway, thanks for everything Rosebuds, and until next time, ~Rosie <3

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