Poofless: Amnesia

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A/N: I skip the second chorus of the song just sayin XD

~Rob's POV~

I really don't know why I always end up here. My -our- favorite spot in town. Down along the river on the edge of the woods, where him and I planted probably thousands of flowers. Now, of course, it was winter in Maine -where we'd moved together, because it was half way kinda a meeting point for Texas and Toronto- so most of the flowers were gone.

I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted

But what were once gorgeous plants are now wilted petals, almost all of them but one. The one I dug from the ground and brought home to keep. The only one I water. The only one I care for. His flower. Well, the flower I planted for him, our first time in this garden, the first time -and in the same spot, it was the last time- I kissed him.

I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted

So really, it's our flower. It's our garden. But while it's ours, I'm the only one who calls it ours. He would call it mine; only because he's forgotten me, forgotten all we had.

Even though your friends tell me your doing fine, are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?

I mean sure, Preston had left for a good reason. He loved someone else. And therefore, I got to eat ice cream and watch cheesy movies because of my heartbreak and no one could judge me. Mitch or Lachlan were usually by my side. I kinda set Mitch and Jerome up on a "Netflix and chill" type thing one day, which was a plus for them. And besides, they tell me he's okay. They tell me he's happy with Brayden, and that's all I really need to hear. I want him to be happy, even if it's not with me.

When he says those words that hurt you do you read the ones I wrote you?

Maybe that's not entirely true. I want him. And I want him to be happy. Solution? I want him to be happy, with me. Like we used to be. But maybe he wasn't happy with me. Maybe that's why he left.

Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?

All those times he told me he loved me. That he was happy with me. That's he's never leave me. That he wanted a forever with me. That we would be parents and grandparents and great grandparents together. What happened?

If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

Maybe it was all a dream.

Cause I'm not fine at all

I still think of the day he left. I remember almost every single detail. In the very spot I stood, here in our little garden, the very spot my world was built around was the same spot that it got teared down.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving

We'd gotten to the garden, and all it took was one look for him to start crying. I didn't understand why. I ran over to him and hugged him as tight as I could, whispering sweet nothings as one of my hands stroked the back of his head while the other rubbed his back.

I remember the makeup running down your face

He suddenly pushed away from me with tear stained cheeks, and then kissed me. Of course I kissed back, not realizing it would be our last one. I would've savored it more, if I knew.

And the dreams we left behind you didn't need them, just like every single wish we'd ever made

And that's when you told me. You stuttered out the fact that you were in love with Brayden, and not me. You said you were sorry, as if sorry could fix the tear in my heart. As if sorry was going to keep the pain away. As if I'd say "Oh, he said sorry, that means I'll be perfectly fine and continue on with my normal life as if my universe didn't just lose its sun. That's cool. Totally."

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