The Pack: DollHouse

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A/N: mfw I'm obsessed with Melanie Martinez now XD

Also, there's gonna be a little bit of sexual harassment/rape, abuse and drug use in this thing. Be cautious. I don't support any of this, please don't do things like this.

+Preston's POV+

Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls, we'll be a perfect family

"Hey Preston! How's everything?" Vikk asked with a smile, seeing me answer the Skype call. "It's... It's all good, over here, Vikk. How's thing with the Sidemen?" I replied, lying straight through my teeth. How could everything be fine? How couldn't you see, Vikk? "It's all okay over here, buddy. But I'm coming to visit soon! Sometime in the next two weeks." He said happily, and I sighed in relief. "Really? That's amazing! I'm so excited!" I cheered, praying he could help me.

I needed Vikk so badly. Ever since the Pack moved into one house -all of us but Vikk, who wanted to stay with the Sidemen- things spiraled downhill. I'm the only sane one left.

When you walk away, is when we really play

But of course Vikk never saw. No one did. When no one was looking were when things were at their worst. No one would ever guess that five YouTubers -especially not ones like us- would end up this way. I wouldn't.

You don't hear me when I say Mom, please wake up, Dad's with a slut, and your son is smoking cannibis

Lachlan's an alcoholic. He's constantly drinking, and then once he gets drunk, he hits us. His eyes are dull grey, his muscles are all gone, his hair falls flat. Sometimes I forget he used to be an amazing best friend. I forget he wasn't always this way. I guess that's what happens when he slams my head into the floor.

Mitch and Jerome are drug addicts. That's the easiest way to say it. They're constantly high, tripping down the stairs and laughing about it like idiots. Mitch has broken his arm twice. Jerome's gotten a concussion and sprained his ankle. But does that stop them? No. They just go back to snorting cocaine the next day.

And that leaves Rob. He's become the king of one-night stands. Going to bars and clubs almost every other night, having girls bring him home and have sex with him before slipping out the door the next morning. All of us, including me, have fallen victim to Rob's need for sex.

And then here I am. Bruises litter my body, smoke in my lungs, the stench of sex reeking through the house. Why can't I just leave? Why can't I just let go? I don't know. I wish I could, I wish someone would listen to me. I've tried to tell Vikk, I really have. I broke down in tears and he flew out to see me, to see us. But as soon as he stepped through the door, Lachlan became his gentle giant again, Rob was ever-so-innocent, Merome became the bright boys they've always been. And when Vikk asked why I cried, or why I had a black eye, I knew I couldn't tell him the truth. He'd never listen.

No one ever listens, this wall paper glistens, don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen

"Hey, Preston!" Jerome drunkenly giggled, seeing me walk past him into the kitchen. "Hi Jerome." I replied casually. "Want some?" He held out his hand to me, and I didn't look twice to see what drug was in his palm this time. "No thanks, Jerome." I shook my head, and continued through the room, before I had another thought. "Jerome?" I turned back to him. "Yeah, Lava P?" He replied. "Where's Mitch?" I asked worriedly. "Uhhh... Biggums fell asleep in the back yard, I think." He said, and I nodded. "Thank you." I calmly walked out of the kitchen, but as soon as I was out of Jerome's sight I sprinted into the back yard. "Mitch!" I yelled, scanning the yard. Then I saw him, face down in the grass. Oh god, please don't let him be dead. Please, anything but that. I prayed as I ran to Mitch's side and dropped to my knees. I turned him over and put my fingers on his wrist, feeling a pulse. I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding, and pulled Mitch into my arms. "Thank the lord, Mitch." I mumbled, before picking him up and bringing him back inside. As I set him down on the couch, Jerome stumbled in then plopped down beside Mitch. "You found him Pressy!" Jerome grinned, and then hugged Mitch. I almost wanted to laugh, but I knew why Mitch was out cold. And I knew Jerome would be soon enough.

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