NoochZaHutt: Gorgeous

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[Mat/Nooch's POV]

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom -shirtless, but with with shorts on- staring at myself and how terrible I looked.

My ugly black curls were a mess on top of my head like always. My eyes were dull, the worst shade of brown. When I tried, my smile looked awful, my lips were always chapped. My stomach was way to fat, my legs were really skinny like my arms. I was just a mess.

I sighed at myself, shaking my head at my reflection. I hated my body, I didn't know how any of my fans on YouTube found me the slightest bit attractive.

I stood there for who knows how long, poking and pinching myself, hoping that I would somehow be magically satisfied with the way I looked. After a while, once I realized I'd always look like this, I turned away and grabbed my shirt, slipping it over my head before going to record a video.


Somehow I ended up back in front of this damned mirror, doing exactly what I'd been doing the last time. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to make it look decent. I gave up and fell to the floor, my thoughts were worse than last time. Sure a few teenage girls who watched my channel found me attractive. Teenage girls can find a way to make anyone seem attractive. (A/N: My friends always seem to try to find ways to do this...) But the people who I wanted to see me didn't. By people, I mean person. My best friend, my crush, my little Petey. Brandon would never love me, I wasn't even deserving of someone as flawless as him.


A week later and I'd taken habit to criticizing myself in this stupid mirror. Most of the time I just stood here, staring at my overly-pale body and letting my mind spit insults at me.

I was standing alone with my reflection in the bathroom, when I heard the door open behind me. "Shit." I cursed myself as I turned around, and nearly fainted. "Petey!" I yelled, jumping for my shirt. "Mat, what are you doing?" He asked, grabbing the shirt from the counter and pulling it away from me. "Petey, give me my shirt." I said, attempting to use my arms to cover up my stomach and chest. "Noochems...?" He asked again. "Petey. My shirt." I demanded. He shook his head, looking at my chest and the abs I didn't have. "Oh my God, stop looking at me." I said, turning away so my back was to him. "Matty..." Brandon said, and soon his arms here around me. He pulled my arms away from my chest and held them behind me. "I know what you're doing." He said. "What?" I asked. "Look at yourself, Noochems." He instructed, but I turned to look at him instead. "No, I hate myself." I said quietly, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes flashed with sadness, but he quickly wiped it away and sighed. "Mat, please just look." He said, and I couldn't fight the sad look on his face. I turned back to the mirror. Brandon stepped out of the mirrors reflection, leaving me standing alone.

"I don't know what you see there, Mat, but I see the most beautiful boy in the world. The boy with the adorably curly hair. The boy with the brightest eyes and most gorgeous smile. The boy who's frame is one I could only dream of having for myself, the one that's perfectly fit. And that's only on the outside. The inside is beautiful as well. The cutest laugh and the smartest wit and the sassy sarcasm that will be the death of me. The kindness and will to help anyone who needs it." Brandon paused, and I looked at myself some more. Is that really what he saw? My face was bright red, so looked down at myself so I didn't have to see.

"If you couldn't tell by all that, Noochems..." Brandon said, stepping in between the mirror and me. He smiled and lifted my chin. "Mat, I love you." He said quietly, looking straight into my eyes. "Petey..." "Nah, it's fine, I didn't expect you to like me back..." He cut me off, I noticed tears in his sparkling eyes. He walked away from me, walking towards the door. "Here's your shirt by the way." He tossed it to me and left the room. I stood still for a moment, rethinking. He loves me? And he walked out! Why the hell am I still standing here?!

I sprinted after him, hoping he didn't get far enough to leave yet. I ran to my front door, which he was luckily still in front of. "Petey!" I yelled, smiling as I tackled him in a hug. He was taken by surprise, so he lost his balance, and we fell to the ground, him landing on top of me. "Sorry Mat." He laughed nervously, making me laugh as well. "You're so cute. I love you too." I said, before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him down, so his lips met mine.

He was definitely take by surprise, but he eventually started kissing back. It was pure bliss, his lips fitting perfectly on mine, the kiss loving and sweet.

When we pulled away to breathe, I smirked at him as a sudden wave of confusion took over his face. "Y-You... Did you just..." He asked, and I laughed. "Yes, Petey. I kissed you, I love you too." I said as he stood up and pulled me up with him. "Wow. Okay. Didn't expect that one." He said with a smile. "Nor did I expect you to love me." I answered. "Oh, by the way Mat," he said with a smirk. He looked up and down my body, then back to my eyes. "Damn." I laughed as my face heated up. "Shut up." I said. "We went over this." He said, wrapping his arms around me. "You're gorgeous."

I. Love. NoochZaHutt. Deal with it. ~Rosie <3

P.S. This was for hopestar524 and AwkwardPanda250 <3

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