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We were on the boat, Steve and I were rowing. Nancy had the compass in her hands and was telling us which way to go. Until she suddenly stopped.

"Whoa... Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down. Slow down guys." Nancy asks us.

I stop and look at Steve with a confused look on my face. I then look at the compass and see that the needle was no longer pointing in any direction, it was spinning around. Which seems strange to me, is it supposed to react like this?

"What does that mean? I ask.

- No idea." Robin replies.

This one grabs the walkie-talkie before turning it on and starting to talk.

"Uh, Dustin. Your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'aah!" She says.

I frown, analyzing the compass before seeing Steve take off his shoes and socks.

"What the hell man? Are you going to get naked ? I say.

- Steve, what are you doing? Asks Nancy.

- Somebody's got to go down there and check this out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then... It's got to be me, no complaints, all right ?"

I frown as I watch him get up and take off his shirt. He's really gotten the hang of it. He needs to be humbled.

"Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there." Eddie shares.

He pulls out a plastic bag and puts a flashlight in it so it won't degrade underwater. I lay my eyes on Nancy who was watching Steve undress. I raise my eyebrows then feel Robin nudge me, I turn to her and see in her eyes that she had seen the same thing I had, we then smile mischievously at each other.

Eddie gives the plastic bag with the flashlight in it and wishes him good luck, to which Steve answers a simple 'thank you'. Eddie takes out a cigarette with a lighter. I frown as he slides the cigarette between his lips and lights the lighter.

'Are you really going to smoke right now? I ask.

- Gross." Said Robin, taking the cigarette.

She tosses it into the water. The brunette then sighs as he puts out the lighter. Nancy calls out to Steve asking him to be careful before the brunette jumps in the water, I then take the opportunity to laugh at him.

"Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years." I imitate him.

Robin and Eddie start laughing while Nancy looks into the water hoping to see Steve coming back. I then continue.

"What a cranky. He stopped life guarding after a 10 year-old boy drowned him at the pool.

- Really ?! Asks Robin with a smile on her face.

- Yeah, he didn't tell you ?" I ask.

Robin nods negatively. I sigh and look up at the sky. I suddenly hear someone coming back from the water violently, I turn around and see Steve.

"I found it!

- You found it ? Asks Nancy.

- I found it, yeah. I found it." Says Steve.

He starts swimming towards the boat before putting his arms against it. We smile then before Robin takes the walkie-talkie and starts talking into it.

"Dustin you're a goddamn Einstein! Steve found the gate."

We wait a few seconds with no answers. I frown but don't ask any more questions.

"It's pretty wild, it's more a snack-size gate than the mama gate, but still... It's pretty damn big." Steve says breathless.

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