1 Press Conference

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Author's Note: After asking about RSH the other week, I figured I should also post OCN here on Wattpad since many mentioned they don't use any of the other sites/apps. So, here we go with a new project!

This is a story about a streamer and a ninja with a pretty large cast so lots of handsome guys around ;) We're already on volume 4 over on Patreon so I can say that this is going to be a longer story. New chapters will go up on Tuesday and Thursday every week. They're longer than the ones from OMF/RMN/SML in case you're reading any of these so in comparison, it'd be like getting four chapters a week.

Anyway, I hope you'll like this project and I'd love to hear from you in the comments! :)


Si Jin stared at the screen with a gloomy expression. The state television channel was currently live-broadcasting a press conference announcing a new cooking show that was supposed to start next month.

The media had gathered in the conference hall of one of the best hotels in the country. Their cameras were all directed at the four people that were sitting at a long table in front of a promotional poster. Every now and then, there was the flash of a photo being taken and some mumbling could be heard, accompanying the release of the news.

At this moment, the man on the right was speaking, explaining how the cooking show was supposed to proceed. From what he said, everybody would be eligible to enter as a contestant. From then on, the participants would compete against each other for several weeks in both basic skills and the preparation of dishes. Who would lose and who would win was determined by a panel of highly-acclaimed judges.

This panel of judges was what had made Si Jin's mood sink. Other than the guest judges that would change each week, the other two were some famous star-leveled cook surnamed Yu that he had never heard about and the food anchor Xiao Ming from the channel Bright Yellow Water.

Needless to say, Xiao Ming was what Si Jin cared about. After all, he was this anchor's certified number one fan. As such, he was happy that Xiao Ming would have such an opportunity to perform in front of an even bigger audience. But, unfortunately, it also meant that he wouldn't broadcast on his own channel as often and since he was only a judge and not a contestant, the TV channel wouldn't show much of him when he wasn't giving his opinion on a contestant's work.

In other words: Xiao Ming would hardly appear for a few minutes every episode!

How could Si Jin be satisfied with that? The show would be running for several weeks. That was way too long to go without seeing his deft handiwork and his cute smile!

Si Jin furrowed his brows, waiting for the end of the press conference. He already reached out for his phone and went online, looking at Xiao Ming's channel. His other fans were already congratulating him, telling him how he deserved to be on the show, and that they hoped he would get many new viewers for his channel when he came back.

Si Jin's mood sunk even lower. Now, everyone was giving Xiao Ming compliments. Shouldn't he as his number one fan do the same? But he really couldn't take the thought that he wouldn't see him for so long ...

He sighed and finally typed a short message.

Nin Sha: [Congratulations, Xiao Ming. Unfortunately, this means we won't see you as often. I hope the show ends soon.]

There was a lull in the conversation before the other fans started to bombard the channel again.

Little Butterfly: [What the fuck! Are you cursing the anchor, Nin Sha?!]

Cooking Enthusiast: [Hahahaha (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ" It seems the taciturn Nin Sha is distraught at having to go without Xiao Ming's delicious food for a few weeks (◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)ノ"]

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