142 Off-Base ... By a Bit

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Fan Mei had no idea what to say. The things Si Qi had said had sounded a lot more honest than the superficial talk that Si Yi and Tao Jin had exchanged at that dinner the other day. She was inclined to believe it. Even if he left out some things, that was also because he was embarrassed, not because he was trying to really hide. Not even mentioning that, she naturally felt pacified when he said that despite not being able to, he still wanted to make it up to her somehow.

People might think she was crazy but yes, she felt aggrieved. This matter, she had only happened upon it because of her brother's strange behavior. Then, following all the leads she could grasp onto, she had arrived at this conclusion that there had to be something shady going on between Xiao Ming and Si Jin.

The more she looked, the more it seemed to be true but then, her article was countered and when she was looking for clues at the studio today, everything suddenly took a completely different turn. She couldn't understand. Surely, she couldn't have gotten it that wrong?

Seeing that there was finally somebody who had a slightly better attitude toward her and wasn't brushing her off like her brother or trying to mislead her like that Si Yi, she couldn't help but voice her doubts. "Actually, Mister Shi, I don't blame you. You were just following your heart. Me getting into the crossfire wasn't your fault but that of that crush of yours and his boss. I don't need you to make it up to me.

"Anyway, there isn't really anything I need help with. Online, people forget fast. And I have skills. After lying low for a while, I'll also be able to work as a reporter again. Even if I'm not hired anywhere, I'll just find a way to work on my own. There's always a way so I don't mind it much.

"There is one matter though ..." She showed a complicated expression that was only partly an act. After everything Si Qi had just told her, she had also understood how deep his feelings for Si Yi were. Trying to pry into these matters would surely hurt him. In the end though, her suspicion won out. "Do you think that I am completely off-base with my idea or could there really be something about this matter? Everything was refuted so beautifully today, it just makes it seem more suspicious to me."

There it was.

Hearing her ask, Si Qi's heart sped up. This was the opportunity he had hoped for. Si Yi had tried to suppress her with force but Fan Mei wasn't the type to give up because of that. On the contrary. So if they wanted her to let go of this, they needed a softer approach. In the Si clan, even though he was ranked seventh, he could probably be considered a softer person. Why wouldn't he do this?

He didn't rush to answer. If he did, that would create the same impression she had had this afternoon. Instead, he took time to think.

Thankfully, just at that moment, the waiter finally brought over the food. Si Qi thanked him and only after the man had left and silence had returned to the table once again, did he speak up to answer. "This question, I'm not surprised you would ask it."

Fan Mei nodded. Clearly, he had expected something like this from the very beginning. Surely, that was also why he had invited her here. Otherwise, could it really be that he just wanted to tell her all about his unrequited crush? She didn't think he was that idle.

Si Qi took another moment while picking up his cutlery. "Actually, I think you might be looking at this wrong. You are ..." He tilted his head, showing an expression that wasn't any less complicated than hers just moments before. "We don't know each other that well so I am not sure I should say this but I think you might be conflating two issues. Or maybe there are even more than just these two."

Fan Mei raised her brows. "What do you mean?"

By now, the conversation wasn't as smooth as before where he had talked and talked without hardly taking a break. He really seemed to be weighing his words but it didn't give her a feeling of him scheming against her. Maybe this man just had a very open appearance but she felt that it was much more likely that he was trying to take her feelings into consideration. He sure seemed emotional enough for that.

The Onion-Cutting Ninja's Secret CrushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora