75 A Day for Meetings

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While the ninjas of the Si clan were already on their way to taking care of their respective part of the plan, the three guys from Bright Yellow Water also got ready to move out.

They first toured the city, looking at everything that was recommended for tourists to see. By the time they had finished with the must-sees, it was already slightly after lunchtime. Xiao Ming wouldn't have minded going on but Li Shui already looked as if he was starving.

"Look at you! One day of not being fed properly and this is the result. I'm afraid we'll have to work on that." He reached over and patted Li Shui's stomach before he motioned around. "Well, I guess you should choose a restaurant then. Didn't we want to go out and eat anyway? Although I have to say it's a bit of a pity that we already need a break. I would have liked to look around for a bit longer."

Qian Huang nodded. Even though he was pretty similar to Li Shui in how he would usually get hungry before Xiao Ming, with everything else going on, he also felt like it was still much earlier than it really was. "Eh, why don't we just split up? Li Shui can go and eat and we can go and look at some things that we are interested in. We could just meet up in two or three hours again."

Xiao Ming raised his brows, looking to Li Shui for an answer. When it came to him, then he really didn't mind either way. Even though he wasn't really hungry yet, he could also go and eat already.

Li Shui pursed his lips and then nodded. "Yes, why not? Anyway, I'm really hungry. Maybe after I'm done, I should come and look for the two of you. By that time, maybe you'll get hungry. Then I can accompany you and take a bite!"

Xiao Ming laughed and patted his shoulder. "Go and eat already! We wouldn't want you to starve because you didn't make it there in time."

Li Shui chuckled and waved at them before he rushed off to the nearest restaurant, already rubbing his hands when he stepped inside. He wanted to rush to order when he saw a familiar person walking by. "Ah? Isn't that ..."

Si Shi Wu turned around when he heard the voice, feeling that it sounded vaguely familiar. When he saw Li Shui, he couldn't help but look behind him but realized that Xiao Ming and Qian Huang weren't there.

Still, since he had seen the three of them together he nodded toward him. He was wondering what he was doing here without the other two. In fact, he was mostly wondering just where Xiao Ming was. Because if he was anywhere close by, maybe he should message Si Yi so he could bring their master over. If they had opportunities to meet outside of the show, their master would be ecstatic and their relationship might progress faster as well.

Li Shui noticed how Si Shi Wu looked behind him. He couldn't help but grin and went over to him. "Mister Ai, what a surprise! Were you looking for Xiao Ming?" Even though they still hadn't gotten any proof, he felt that there was at least a decent chance that this Ai Gui Jin was into Xiao Ming. Seeing as his friend didn't really have the chance to go out much to meet somebody, he figured that he should help with this.

Si Shi Wu was a little taken aback when he was suddenly asked that question but then figured that Li Shui had probably seen him look behind him. He gave a laugh and then shook his head. "I'm sorry. It is just that so far, I've only ever seen the three of you together so I thought that maybe the other two would come along. What are you doing here alone?"

Li Shui smiled even brighter when he realized that Ai Gui Jin was really asking about Xiao Ming with this so he happily told him. "Well, there's not that much to do for us either in the city until the next episode. I mean there still is some stuff to take care of but nothing for today so we decided to have a look around instead. Just now, we split up though. I was kind of hungry so I came here while Xiao Ming and Qian Huang went off to each do their own thing. If you want to see him, you might still be able to catch him if you run out now."

The Onion-Cutting Ninja's Secret CrushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora