30 Cheer You Up

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Qian Huang still had a hard time deciding for a few moments. He actually wanted to keep these things away from Xiao Ming. That had been one of the reasons why he said that he would take charge of their Weibo account and manage the community while Xiao Ming only had to appear every now and then so people would feel closer to him.

But this right now might be a little too big to not say something. After all, even if he was able to keep it quiet for the time being, it was only a question of time until Xiao Ming would check in and see some kind of vile comment that would give everything away. Then, not only would he have to deal with the fact that Misses Youya had found their channel and written something like that about them, but he would also need to deal with the fact that he had been the only one who didn't know. The latter might be what he would actually feel worse about.

And not letting him find out ... He'd probably have to confiscate his phone and laptop for that and even then, he couldn't guarantee it. After all, their neighbors and the people on the market, they all knew what they were doing online. Sooner or later, they would also find out that there were some troubles with their career just like they had heard when Xiao Ming appeared in the press conference for 'Golden Spoon'. It just needed one person to say a single word for Xiao Ming to find out. No, it just wasn't feasible to keep this from him.

Qian Huang finally sighed and leaned back, shaking his head. "I'm not sick. I'm just worried."

Xiao Ming sat down next to him, worrying himself. "Why that? Did something happen?" He still wasn't quite sure if Qian Huang was saying the truth but he did seem serious enough. He probably wasn't just trying to deflect but was saying the truth instead.

Qian Huang smiled wryly. "Do you know who Misses Youya is?"

Xiao Ming looked at him blankly. "Some ... celebrity that you admire? Or maybe a girlfriend in the making? Are things not going well with her?"

Qian Huang furrowed his brows. "Be serious!"

Xiao Ming lightly pressed his lips together. He had actually thought that it really might be either of these two things. Otherwise, why would Qian Huang worry about some woman? He had never heard him mention one.

Li Shui looked from one person to the other, feeling that he was slowly catching on to something. "Isn't she a blogger?"

Xiao Ming turned to look at him. "What blogger? Is she famous?" She should be if even Li Shui had heard of her. Why didn't he know about her though? If the others were following her, they should have mentioned her some time, right? Anyway, he was already confused.

Qian Huang nodded. "She is. She's not the kind that you'd like to know about though. She's usually writing about celebrities and exposing their scandals. She also takes a look at people that have gotten popular online. Usually, it's not a good thing to end up on her blog. She'll tear them down viciously."

Xiao Ming nodded slowly. "And she said something about a cooking blog so you're worried that we might be the next target?" No wonder Qian Huang was worried then. With their channel slowly having grown bigger, such a thing could indeed happen. Not that he believed there were any scandals about them to find.

Qian Huang sighed deeply and then opened the link on his laptop again, turning it around for the other two to see. "Much worse. She's already targeted us. The post was published today.

"I saw just a bit before we had to go online. I didn't say anything at first because I was worried you would have a hard time dealing with it and the stream might go awry. I thought it would be better to let you finish first so you won't worry yourself. In the next two days, I thought you might calm down a bit more so the next stream would not be impacted."

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