22 The Inside Story

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The three men from 'Bright Yellow Water' were especially motivated after they had been lucky for several days in a row. No matter how often they thought about it, they still couldn't believe just how much luck they had had. It seemed more than they had deemed possible to have in a lifetime. After all, not only had their channel been mentioned by a national celebrity but they had also been reviewed by a professional that had made waves in the industry with his own rise just a couple of years ago.

The best thing was that these two incidents weren't just isolated but all came in the wake of the announcement that their anchor would be taking part in a cooking show that would be shown on national TV. Thus, these two strokes of luck gave their already rising popularity more credibility. Now, nobody could say that they were just a small channel trying to get by. They had really made it.

Looking at Weibo or the video platform, while their channel and the affiliated news weren't the type of topic that could make it into the trending list, there were still several discussions concerning them. Some people had followed in the wake of Ai Gui Jin and reviewed their channel, a couple of smaller gossip channels were speculating on Tao Jin's relationship with them, and the channels that were discussing TV news in a more neutral manner were mostly focusing on the upcoming 'Golden Spoon'. There were even some people who had started to think about meeting up and cooking alongside the live stream to learn and maybe register for the show.

The matters on Weibo were handed to Qian Huang as usual while Li Shui tried to help out and Xiao Ming just continued to focus on cooking. In any case, it would be good to come up with a few more dishes that he could present and maybe use the feedback that he had gotten from Ai Gui Jin for their next streams. That way, they could show that they were learning from what they were told and were willing to better themselves. It would leave their viewers with a better impression.

Qian Huang couldn't have been happier. Even though only a few days had gone by, he felt like he could already see how their channel would grow further in the next few weeks. When 'Golden Spoon' finally started, the number of their viewers might explode. By then, he wouldn't need to worry anymore. Or so he thought.

As it turned out, there couldn't just be good news all the time. With more people keeping a close eye on them, there would naturally also be discordant voices. And one of them turned out to be quite loud.

On the day when the next live stream was scheduled, the link to an article popped up on Weibo. Seeing it, Qian Huang was happy at first but finally couldn't help but raise his brows when he looked at the actual headline.

["Breaking News: Onionman Saves Pretty-Faced Anchor"]

You could say what you wanted but this was the strangest headline he had ever seen and that was after reading an article about Nin Sha cutting and donating ten-thousand onions. Speaking of which ... it seemed this was once again about that follower of theirs. At the very least, he had never heard about anybody else that would just casually chop up the number of onions needed to be dubbed 'onionman' in an article or was somehow linked to that vegetable in some other way.

He couldn't quite explain the rest of the headline to himself save for the fact that Xiao Ming did have a pretty face maybe but he still clicked on it to have a look at least. What he saw ... didn't make him happy for once.

Directly below the headline was a prominent by-line that featured the name of the one who had written the article just in case the name of the website wasn't a dead give-away. And, unfortunately, the person in question was none other than the infamous Misses Youya.

She was rumored to be an actual news reporter even though nobody knew her exact identity. There were some guesses but she had never entertained people who came up with theories and just went on to blog. In any case, it was rumored that this blog of hers was merely a fun project she did at the side. If she ever grew tired of it, she might abandon it but so far, it hadn't happened which was a fact that quite a few people likely regretted deeply. After all, for the people that ended up in her articles, it was seldom a good thing.

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