89 Just Try New Things!

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While Si Yi kept the bloggers and reporters back, the other four people had made their way back to the car where they could talk in peace.

Thankfully, the cars of the Si clan were all fitted with the same locking system so Si San took over Si Yi's task of opening the door and letting their master in before he took the place next to him on the backseat, shooing Si Shi Er and his boyfriend to the front.

Having done that, he raised his brows at his master. "What might be the problem?" And could they talk about it in front of an outsider?

Si Jin clearly didn't care about this specific outsider, considering that he was Si Shi Er's boyfriend and they seemed to be far away from breaking up. "How to be interesting?"

Si San looked at him, not sure what to make of that question. In this case, it wasn't so much that he didn't understand the question itself, it was more that there was a bit of context missing. "Interesting when and to whom?" Although, come to think of it, he could already imagine. "You mean like to young master Xiao? In the context of the show?" Because he felt like Si Shi Qi had given quite a few suggestions for that already.

Si Jin shook his head though. "In general." In any case, while it would be nice to be interesting in the show so he could catch his eye, the important point was keeping his interest in the long run. He really wasn't sure how to do that and he didn't want to just have a short-lived relationship. This matter with Xiao Ming ... he hoped it could be for life.

Si San gave his master an exasperated look. "Well, just be yourself!" He really didn't know why he was asking him about this. If he wanted tips on how to make himself more interesting, shouldn't he ask Si Si or Si Shi Qi? In any case, he was just a pilot. Being a pilot was pretty interesting to most people but that wasn't really something he could tell his master, could he?

On second thought ... "Well, maybe get a hobby or something. I mean being a businessman isn't necessarily something that screams 'So exciting! I want to know more!' So maybe find something outside of work that would be more interesting."

Si Jin still stared at him. "But how?" Not being able to find a hobby was precisely what he was worried about. He just didn't have any interests.

Si San looked at his master, wondering if he was currently joking with him because he couldn't believe that this was actually a problem to him. But then again, his master was the kind of person who knew everything and could do everything.

To him, something as simple as finding a hobby was probably quite difficult. Because if you were able to do things after trying them a couple of times, could any of that really hold your interest long-term? When he thought about it in this way, he could suddenly understand just why his master was having such trouble.

He leaned back and folded his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling of the car. "Well, usually, people choose hobbies that are challenging to them or just something that gives them some kind of benefit.

"For example, some people like to go fishing or painting because it calms their mind. If they have a stressful job, that's a good thing for them. Some others might work in an office all day and want to have some kind of difference to that so they go out and do extreme sports. Or maybe they're just seeking a thrill that they don't have in life usually. That's the kind of thing that people want to have as a hobby."

Si Jin turned back to the front, staring at the back of the driver's seat. He wasn't sure what to do. When it came to him, he didn't really have any of these problems.

He was free to do whatever he wanted with his time because, quite frankly, while he was called a businessman, he was at that point in life where everything was working for him. He had people to take care of these things and when there was enough money in the first place and somebody to care for it a little at the side, it would just get more on its own.

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