84 Valuable Information

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The car seemed to fall even quieter. Si Yi wasn't quite sure if he showed furrow his brows because he was hearing the same thing twice the same day but still couldn't figure out what it meant which made him seriously reconsider his intellect, of if he should be less worried instead because, apparently, Si Shi Er and his boyfriend weren't able to figure it out either.

The one who finally managed to pull himself out of his confusion first was actually Si Shi Er's boyfriend. "Ha? But he's dating me!" He really didn't know what was going on but that had seriously sounded like a proposition right there. And he definitely wouldn't let his boyfriend just go and date some other man. Although he had to admit that this one was good-looking. Actually, now that he thought about it ...

His eyes lit up, making Si Shi Er on the backseat worry. He figured that he had to do something. He looked from Si Jin to his boyfriend and back again and finally realized that most likely, his boyfriend still hadn't gotten what exactly was going on or who these people were. Well, it was about time to clue him in. "Master, I have no idea what you're talking about! Can I get a word more? Or maybe two?"

His boyfriend's confusion seemed to clear up somewhat. He sized up the man next to his boyfriend before turning to Si Yi next to him, giving him a look as well. Finally, he seemed to realize that there was something else going on other than what he had thought.

At the same time, Si Jin stared at Si Shi Er, feeling like it really was no wonder that he was the number twelve. Well, not that Si Yi had really gotten him today either. He suddenly felt misunderstood. Was this how Si Qi usually felt when he talked to Si Yi? No wonder these two couldn't manage to get a date.

But since Si Shi Er had at least been able to make clear what he needed to understand him, he finally decided to just talk some more. "How?"

Si Shi Er still wasn't quite sure what this meant. "Date? How?" He pondered for a moment and then figured that apparently, this was a question on how to date. It didn't make much sense but then again, his master never did. "Oh well, if you want to date somebody, you should take into consideration what they like."

Si Jin stared at him some more and then turned to the side, finally putting on the seatbelt and staring at the back of the seat in front of him. Consider what they like ... Ah, wait, that hadn't been the question.

He turned back, seriously wanting to furrow his brows but finally, every hair stayed in place. "How to get one?"

Once again, Si Shi Er was stumped. His boyfriend was dumbfounded as well but he at least managed to blink his doe eyes again and then leaned a little further over his seat, feeling that this was a conversation he could get behind. "When Brother Ling asked me out, he was stuttering a lot. You should try to avoid that!"

Si Jin turned to look at him, surprised that this boy would actually be able to provide him with the answer that he apparently needed.

Si Shi Er's boyfriend felt encouraged when he apparently had Si Jin's attention even though he wasn't quite sure what that non-expression really meant but he still went ahead, telling himself that this guy probably just had some kind of facial paralysis. Didn't all important people? As his boyfriend's boss who was at the top of some important organization, this was really no wonder. Neither was his inability to get a date for himself. At the very least, that was what he told himself.

"You know, he was really difficult to understand. Ah Ling had to repeat himself three times before I got it. So, get out a clear sentence. That's important!"

Si Jin figured that this was good advice so he deigned to ask some more. "And?"

Si Shi Er's boyfriend wasn't too sure what that might mean but he figured that just talking a bit more couldn't hurt. Maybe the point hadn't been quite clear yet. "Well, I think you can be pretty straightforward. Just something like 'Would you like to go on a date with me?' or maybe 'Do you have time on Saturday?' If you use a specific day, you need to make clear afterward that that is a date though. Like, if he says yes, then you can say something like 'Great! Then it's a date!', you know?"

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