86 Is That You?

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Currently, it was around lunchtime, and apparently, that was when all the events were scheduled for a break. Everyone had filed out into the common areas or even into the square outside, leaving the place to look like utter chaos. To find a person in here ... it really wouldn't be easy.

Si Yi furrowed his brows, not too happy about this. He wasn't sure which person they were looking for but he couldn't stand the thought that his master would have to run around needlessly. Thinking of that, he couldn't help but turn back. "How about we go and be on the lookout? We will contact you when we find the person."

Si Jin looked at Si Yi and then glanced at the other two before looking around. In the end, he nodded. "Everybody takes one direction. We are looking for Si San." With that, he picked a direction for himself and started walking.

Si Yi felt like wringing his hands. Hadn't he suggested that to make sure that his master wouldn't need to run around? But it seemed that his master just thought of cutting down the time they would need to find Si San. Well, in any case, this was better than nothing.

He sighed and then turned to the others, giving Si Shi Er a pointed look. "Show your boyfriend a picture of him and then make yourself useful." With that, he also went off in one direction, leaving the other two to Si Shi Er and his boyfriend.

Si Shi Er pursed his lips. Today had been supposed to be a day that he could spend with his boyfriend. It was a rare opportunity in a period when they were supposed to be busy for the clan. Now, they actually had to split up. And even in such a place with so many people.

Fu Jia was happy though. He tugged at his boyfriend's sleeve, his eyes glittering. "What about the photo? I'm sure we'll be able to find him!"

Si Shi Er turned to look at him, not quite sure what to do about this. "Are sure that this is alright? In any case, you've never seen him before. Would you even be able to recognize him with just a photo?"

Fu Jia nodded without hesitation. "Yes, incredibly sure! In any case, isn't he, like, your boss?" He motioned in the direction that Si Jin had vanished in, happy that he was finally able to make sure of what he had thought the whole time.

Si Shi Er nodded. "Yes, but —"

"No buts! In any case, I want to help you. If we can find him, I'm sure he'll be proud of you. We can say it was you who found him! I'll text you first." He tiptoed and kissed his boyfriend on the lips, smiling brightly.

With Fu Jia being so spirited, Si Shi Er didn't have the heart to argue anymore. He took out his phone and then froze.

He ... he really didn't make it a habit to have a picture of all the other ninjas on there. "Ah, wait, I need to search for one first." Then, he messaged Si Er, asking for some photos that he could show Fu Jia.

Over in the park, Si Er looked at the notification that once again jumped up on the screen, a little puzzled. What was it with people today who needed his help? He was already feeling like some information center.

Well, maybe he was the information center of the Si clan but, usually, that would be kept to a minimum. Now though, this was the second person in a short amount of time who had asked about Si San. It seemed that something big was going on over there. Maybe he would like to get in on that.

He clicked through his files, choosing some incriminating evidence, as well as some normal photos, and then send all of it over to Si Shi Er. In any case, he wasn't quite sure what he needed it for so it was better to give him a bit of everything.

Then, he first looked up where his master was, and then also looked at Si Yi and Si Shi Er, as well as that affiliated person number 12-C, realizing that all of them had gone to where Si San already was. It seemed that there was really some kind of party going on there without him. Ah, this was a little mean, wasn't it?

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