44 Jiayou, Qian Huang!

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As it turned out, Qian Huang was quite right. At first, Yang Shu Na really only gave them some ideas on how they could imagine the live stream to go. But then, those ideas became a little more specific and they were not quite in line with what they wanted.

"We have better equipment here and also more experienced cameramen, so you won't have to rely on yourself for that."

She smiled as if she was really doing them a favor there but Qian Huang's expression immediately darkened. Bright Yellow Water was a package deal. Whether it was Xiao Ming or Qian Huang they had both made it clear to the producer at the very beginning. If they wanted to make use of this channel, then all three of them would have to be involved. They definitely couldn't just push out Li Shui and expect them to take this lying down.

Li Shui could also see that the other two were unwilling to just accept this but he hurriedly reached out and pulled at Qian Huang's shirt. "Ah, that's not so bad, is it? Anyway, I can just focus on eating." He signaled him with his eyes, trying to indicate that he didn't mind. In any case, it wasn't that strange that the producer would want to have a hand in it. After all, this was his project.

Xiao Ming pondered for a moment and finally, his expression lit up. Smiling at Yang Shu Na, he decided to strike a compromise. "It is really thoughtful of you to arrange things like this. I'm just afraid that since we will need quite a bit of time, Li Shui will be bored and him just sitting at the edge of the screen also wouldn't look good.

"How about this? Li Shui has always been interested in filming. Maybe it would be possible for him to accompany your cameramen and have a talk with them? That way, we could also strike a good balance between how it is usually done on our stream so it won't seem strange to our established viewers but also not diverge from the expectations of the producer too much."

Yang Shu Na hadn't expected something like this but after thinking for a moment, she couldn't find anything wrong with it. In any case, the only important person to them was Xiao Ming. Qian Huang still had a bit of value since he was the one who usually interacted with the fans so his presence was also quite high. But Li Shui just couldn't keep up with the two of them. He was mostly behind the camera and wouldn't even talk. Save for him eating, there really wasn't much to see.

Thus, they had determined that he really wouldn't add any value and it was better to have somebody from their team and the host accompany Xiao Ming and Qian Huang for this stream. But they also didn't want to make matters difficult with the other two so it was still better to accept this kind of idea that wouldn't compromise the producer's image of the show or cause any trouble.

Realizing this, Yang Shu Na nodded. "Of course! That is a great idea. I will go and arrange everything in a minute then. As for everything else I've said, do you have any more questions?"

Xiao Ming and Qian Huang exchanged a glance and shook their heads, feeling that there really wasn't anything they could say. Anyway, it was already pretty clear that the producer had made up his mind on how he wanted this to look. So saying more might just make things difficult for themselves. It was better to just leave it be, accept what they had been told, and try to follow it to the best of their abilities. In any case, this was also a special kind of live stream, so there really wasn't anything to complain about. It didn't necessarily have to be exactly like the ones they usually did.

Yang Shu Na was satisfied when the two of them didn't cause a ruckus and just accepted their terms. With a better feeling toward the group, she nodded toward Li Shui. "Then, I will go and talk to the cameramen to make sure this won't impede their work. Would you like to come with me immediately to speak with them?"

Li Shui didn't bother to make many words about the issue and just nodded, waving at Xiao Ming and Qian Huang before he followed her over. In any case, he really didn't have that much to do for the stream if he wasn't allowed to film, and being able to speak with one of the cameramen sounded like something he would like to do. That had really been quick thinking on Xiao Ming's part.

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