71 A Special Feeling

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Si Jin read through the cookbooks for another half an hour before he got up and retired to his own room, opening his laptop. If he wasn't wrong, then Xiao Ming should have another live stream today even if he wouldn't be cooking. Naturally, he wouldn't want to miss that.

He sat down and made sure that he opened the chat on his phone, making sure that he would be able to answer Xiao Ming in time without needing to take his gaze off his face. Then, he waited.

Si Yi had followed him into the room and was now standing behind him, glancing at the screen as well.

To be honest, when it came to this matter with Xiao Ming, he actually felt a little helpless. Originally, their master hadn't been somebody who easily showed affection. It probably wasn't a wonder.

From early childhood, he had been raised not to give anything away of his emotions and all aspects of his education had been focused on becoming the best heir to the Si clan that he could be. There hadn't been much time to form relationships with people outside. Save for his own family and the members of the clan that would later join him, he didn't really have anyone. So Xiao Ming was for all intents and purposes his first love.

To fall in love with a man ... well, it was something that the clan could deal with. In any case, while there had been an established bloodline, if the master decided to adopt a child, they would also be alright with that. And anyway, there were possibilities nowadays to have children even if it wasn't from his actual partner. Even some that wouldn't include cheating on him. The Si clan would definitely find a way to deal with that matter.

Xiao Ming's status as an online celebrity also wouldn't be a problem. They had been a bit worried because at first, that youth had seemed to struggle quite a lot. They had feared that if their master was too rash and tried to help out, he would be taken advantage of by somebody who didn't actually like him back. But to their surprise, their master had taken a completely different approach.

Among the twenty ninjas following him, Si Yi was probably the one who was closest to him thanks to the fact that they spend the most time together. But even he had no idea what was going on in his master's head most of the time. This matter with Xiao Ming was definitely one of those times.

He would've liked to help but there was no advice that he could offer. His own love life ... well, there wasn't much to share. There had been a few flings in the past but that had mostly been to gain experience and make sure that he would be prepared in case it was ever necessary. There had hardly ever been any feelings of love. Now, that was precisely the thing that he was lacking. The emotional connection to somebody, the longing for a person that you wanted to be with. Thinking of ways to make something possible that shouldn't be. It was quite ironic actually.

He couldn't help but think of Si Qi but he forced himself to stop. In any case, it was too late to try it. And he still wasn't willing to take the risk. And now, after five years, their master had managed to make some progress anyway. No matter what, Si Yi was sure that he would be able to make things work.

Taking part in 'Golden Spoon' was only the first part. And even if they didn't manage to win, there would be a chance to make his master's dream come true. In any case, it could be as easy as walking up to young master Xiao and asking him to go out with him now. But that was something that he didn't want to get involved in. Not for the time being anyway.

Nine o'clock arrived and the channel came to life, the image of Xiao Ming popping up on the screen. Si Jin clicked on it in record time, not wanting to miss even a single second. Seeing Xiao Ming's smiling face, he felt like his heart was melting inside.

On the other side, Xiao Ming greeted the viewers. "Welcome to 'Bright Yellow Water'! Today, we're not cooking as usual but will instead talk a bit about the upcoming cooking show 'Golden Spoon'.

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