13 Asking for a Favor

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Meanwhile, Si Shi Wu and Si Shi Qi were making their phone calls.

Si Shi Qi didn't have much of a problem. When he gave Tao Jin a call, she actually picked up after it had rung only twice, her voice pleasantly surprised.

"Ah Qi, did you see my post?" She knew that her husband usually wasn't any less busy than she was so she wasn't quite sure if he had already noticed.

Si Shi Qi gave a hum. "I did. Thank you very much. Master appreciates it." Even though his Master hadn't really said anything and probably didn't even know that the post was up yet, he knew that he would be satisfied when he found out that they had managed to make Young Master Xiao happy.

"Then, am I invited to the casting? I would really like to help you a bit more!"

Si Shi Qi couldn't help but smile to himself when his wife asked about that. "Well, Master didn't say that it was forbidden so I guess there shouldn't be a problem. But are you sure that it's alright with your work?"

Tao Jin leaned back in her chair, stretching. "Don't worry about that. I've already talked it through with my assistant just in case. I don't need to come as a regular person but can get an invitation as a special guest instead. We can just say that the production crew reached out to me after they saw that my husband and I were interested in it and gave us a special place in the casting. We might not get any further than the casting with our skills but we can definitely get in. Would that be alright?"

Si Shi Qi gave a hum. "It should. Unfortunately, there's a small problem on our side. You know about my sister. She saw the post as well and got into her head that something is wrong again. You know how she is."

Tao Jin leaned forward, a worried expression on her face. "Does she suspect anything?" She didn't know what exactly was going on in the Si clan but she knew that her sister-in-law was definitely not allowed to find out about it. In this matter, she just trusted her husband. If he said that it was like this, it was like this. She didn't have to understand. She just had to trust him.

Si Shi Qi wasn't quite sure how to answer that. "Well, she hasn't yet. But she has invited herself along. She even wants to bring a group of her girl friends so that you'll be able to go in being less conspicuous. I said yes for now because I didn't want to make this seem even more suspicious. But if you get a special place then ... I'm afraid it won't work out."

Tao Jin gave a hum, trying to come up with something she could do to solve the situation for her husband. "Then how about I give her a call? I can explain the situation with the production crew to her. If I apologize myself, she probably wouldn't think much of it, would he?"

"Not if it's the truth. She might be a bit suspicious for the time being but as soon as she sees you at the site of the casting, she will understand. Thank you so much. I really don't know what I would do without your support."

Tao Jin laughed. "And then there are still people online saying that I don't have a husband who supports me enough."

Si Shi Qi laughed as well. "Well, I hope that you do feel that your husband is supporting your career choices. If you want to be an actress, I will always be there for you and have your back. If you want to change to something else, it's also alright. Even if you said that you want to retire tomorrow and just stay at home, I also wouldn't say anything."

Tao Jin chuckled again. "I know you would. Anyway, don't worry about it. I'm happy with acting. It's fun. In any case, my next scene is going to start in a moment. I'll have to get back. Love you!"

"Love you even more!"

Tao Jin hung up and Si Shi Qi put away the phone, standing in the corridor for a moment longer and smiling to himself. Thankfully, there was his wife. Without her, this would be much more difficult. He turned around and then went back inside, picking up the knife and helping the others cut the last ingredients.

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