45 A Formidable And Hateful Rival in Love

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Qian Huang's expression was quite colorful when he looked around. "I actually didn't know that I was required to cook today so I haven't prepared anything and can only go with what I remember. It really makes me feel like an actual contestant on the show right now. In any case, I've seen Xiao Ming cook a lot of times so I will try to do something he had done often. I remember that we had a special live stream on how to remember recipes before and he did quite a few dishes that incorporated dough. I think the recipes for those weren't difficult. So let me see if everything is here that I need."

The camera followed him when he turned around, watching as he went over to open the fridge. He leaned down and then showed a troubled expression. "There is quite a lot in here." He looked over his shoulder to say so and then stepped to the side so the camera could show the situation inside the fridge. There were vegetables and meat, as well as a few sauces that needed to be cooled.

"Well, I definitely know that I need some of these for the filling so just let me take them out." He just picked everything that looked familiar and then carried it over to the counter after closing the fridge. Looking at it, he nodded to himself. "The filling is usually chopped up so I will need a knife and a cutting board. That should be around here somewhere as well." He looked in both directions, making the viewers of the stream laugh out loud.

Si Shi Wu's lips quirked up and he decided to give Qian Huang a hint. "I recognize one of your loyal fans in the stream. Their name is 'Cuddly Lion'. They are saying that you're really blind for not seeing the cutting boards and asking whether you've never seen a cooking show before. They are also saying that naturally, the knives are in the knife block which is on the other side."

Qian Huang leaned forward and looked at Ai Gui Jin, raising his brows. "On your side?"

Si Shi Wu didn't bother to trip him up and just motioned over his shoulder to the kitchen block behind them.

Qian Huang turned around and winced, almost wanting to slap his own forehead. Well, apparently, he had really been looking at the wrong place. "Well, turns out everything was behind me." How embarrassing! Hadn't he just gone there to check the fridge? Why hadn't he seen the knife block while he was at it? This could really only be called tunnel vision.

He went over and took a few knives out of the knife block, checking whether they looked like what Xiao Ming always used. Finally, he decided on a chef's knife. Carrying it back to the other side, he held it into the camera. "I remember Xiao Ming saying that different kinds of knives are used for different things. And this was something that could be used for pretty much everything. So I'll just go with this since it seems like I can't do much wrong. As for the cutting boards ... I think I've also seen them on the other side. Thanks to 'Cuddly Lion' for the hint!" He also went to get a cutting board and then carried it over, finally picking up the vegetables to cut.

Both Xiao Ming and Si Shi Wu looked over, their expressions solemn as they watched Qian Huang try to evenly cut the green onions. They exchanged a glance and then both turned away, not wanting to rain on Qian Huang's parade. In any case, he wasn't a contestant. As long as whatever he came up with was edible, it would already be quite good.

Qian Huang noticed that he needed way longer than Xiao Ming in the live streams even though Xiao Ming always slowed down to explain at the side. He couldn't help but frown slightly. Finally, he stopped halfway through and looked at the camera. "I'm afraid even if I only make one dish, I'll still need longer than what Xiao Ming needs if he makes five in one live stream. So we might actually still be here after midnight." He put on a troubled appearance and then turned to the side, smiling at the host. "Mister Ren, how about being my assistant for today? In any case, I'm not a real contestant. I think it would be alright as long as you just do what I am telling you to do, right? I'll show you and then you help me with the rest?"

The Onion-Cutting Ninja's Secret CrushWhere stories live. Discover now