63 The Clan Comes First

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Fan Mei looked at her brother's message with narrowed eyes. "'How about meeting up for dinner? You, me, Xiao Jin, and a friend maybe?' What exactly does he mean with that?" Maybe it really was an occupational disease but she had trouble taking things at face value. If somebody said something, there was certainly another layer to it. And she saw it as her task in life to unveil that layer. Right now, intuition told her that the layer beneath this was a thick one. Well, she wouldn't be able to find out anything if she didn't go to have a look. Thus, after thinking for a moment, she finally replied.

Fan Mei: [Sure thing! Just tell me the time and place. You pay!]

Si Shi Qi looked at the reply he had just gotten from his sister and his lips twitched. This woman! She was really taking advantage of him. But, well, the money for this wouldn't come out of his own pocket for sure but out of the funds of the Si clan. So this time, he might as well splurge on it.

Looking at the list of restaurants that he had already chosen, he just picked the first one. This was a high-end restaurant that was really well-known in this city. Going there would give their master an impression of just how well food could be. Well, not that he should have any doubt about that after eating Si Shi Wu's food all these years.

You could say what you wanted, but the Si clan really didn't live cheaply when it came to these things. Usually, in every generation, there would be talents of different walks of life, making it so that they always had somebody at hand whatever it was that they needed. Furthermore, there were still most members of the previous generation around save for the ones who had died together with Si Jin's father. So even when it came to things that the current generation of ninjas wasn't as good at, there would usually be somebody among the older one who was. And even if not, they were rich. What couldn't money buy?

Thus, Si Shi Qi placed the reservation, feeling lucky that they had a wide network that allowed them to just go the very same day. Ah, it really was great being part of the Si clan.

Having organized everything, he sent a message to both his sister and his wife, and then also to Si Yi.

Si Yi glanced at his phone and nodded to himself before he informed Si Shi Wu and their master.

Meanwhile, Si Shi Qi continued planning their itinerary for the next few weeks, making sure that there were several meals arranged for the next week especially. The other restaurants wouldn't be as important to take a look at and could be arranged however they wanted in the following weeks if it was still necessary. But if there was something else that Si Shi Wu deemed necessary for their master to do so he could excel further in the culinary arts, then they needed to leave enough time for that to be fit in.

Soon enough, this task was finished and he went to get ready for today's dinner.

At the same time, Si Yi also decided that it was time to get ready for this outing and Si Shi Wu couldn't help but glance at the clock.

Seeing the time, he sighed. "Well, I should also get ready. I sure hope that this blind date will turn out well."

Si Yi looked at him when Si Shi Wu said so, faintly raising his brows. "That matter with Mister Yu's granddaughter? I thought that was supposed to be tomorrow."

Si Shi Wu sighed at that. "Precisely that one and you are right that it was supposed to be tomorrow. I'm afraid that Mister Yu couldn't wait any longer though so he asked if today would be alright as well. What was I supposed to say? I still fear that he might try to convince Young Master Xiao if things don't work out with me. So I really hope that we will at least make it through two or three dates before we have to call it quits."

Si Yi gave a hum. "Don't force yourself. If you like her, it's good. If not, as long as you go out a few times, it will be enough. In any case, the show will only be running for two months. How long will Mister Yu be able to bother Young Master Xiao about this?"

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