128 Too Accommodating!

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The contestants looked at Xiao Ming in confusion, wondering what was going on now.

The first one to finally react was Chu Yu An. "Aiya!" She grabbed his arm and then leaned forward, looking in the direction where Yang Shu Na was standing at the side. "Ms. Yang, what about the boxes? With everything going on, it seems that the staff members forgot about them. How can Judge Xiao explain the task if the props aren't distributed yet?"

The contestants also looked over at her, feeling that apparently, there was once again something more going on. Really, with the kind of ruckus that this Fan Mei had made before, it was no wonder that the staff members had forgotten about this. Judge Xiao was probably just too polite to call them out on it and had been thinking about how to save face for the crew.

Xiao Ming calmed down a bit when the tension was broken and took a deep breath, trying not to show too much how nervous he actually was.

The ninjas of the Si clan were naturally still paying attention to him so they realized what was actually going on. Even if there had been some kind of mishap with whatever should have been prepared, the actual problem was that young master Xiao was too nervous to actually introduce the task.

Si San had never been one to shy away from the limelight, so he immediately called out to lighten the mood further. "Forget about whatever boxes, where's Ms. E? If we have a pretty MC, she can't just go missing in the middle of the episode. I'll be sad!"

Some contestants gave him looks while others chuckled, but he just shrugged his shoulders and grinned. Anyway, he was single, so he wouldn't get in trouble when he got back home. Naturally, this was a tactic not everybody could use.

Yang Shu Na had been startled when Chu Yu An suddenly called out to her, now, E Cheng Jun was the same. She hadn't wanted to be involved in any kind of rumors about somebody cheating, so she had hurriedly stepped to the side before. She didn't want to get famous for being involved in a scandal, after all. Anyway, solving rumors like that was behind-the-scenes work so she didn't think that she should appear in it.

But because of that, when everyone had hurriedly rushed to start again, she hadn't walked up in time and had just continued to observe, still caught up in the previous chaos. When Si San called out, jolted awake, hurriedly got up, and bowed toward Yang Shu Na. "I'm sorry! I was also caught off-guard with everything that happened." Then, she rushed to the front, giving the judges and the contestants an apologetic smile as well before getting in position.

Yang Shu Na still stayed frozen for a moment but then shook her head. "No problem. I think that the disturbance right when the break should have ended did that to all of us." In fact, as the producer's assistant, she was embarrassed that she herself hadn't noticed either of these points. "Let's just have a do-over."

She looked around and, seeing that the staff members that had already prepared the boxes were about to bring them over, she held up a hand to hold them back. "Ms. E, please announce that we will continue with the next task and then we can have the staff members bring in the boxes before Judge Xiao takes over."

Everyone nodded and got back into position.

At this time, E Cheng Jun stood in front of the judges' table. Behind her, Chu Yu An patted Xiao Ming's arm. "Don't worry. Even if it's not perfect, as long as it's understandable, it's alright. Just keep it short and simple."

Xiao Ming nodded, closing his eyes for a moment to calm down. Anyway, after having a moment to sort himself, he felt a bit better. Before this, things had really gone too fast for him.

E Cheng Jun was also ready by now. She smiled brightly at the camera and started talking again. "Our contestants have already gotten their feedback for the first task. Even for those who haven't done as well, there are still two possibilities to turn things around while even the best performance in the first task is not a guarantee to advance to the second episode yet.

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