66 A Philosophy in Life

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Needless to say, after several setbacks, Fan Mei wasn't happy. This dinner should be a chance for her to find out more about these two and the plot that was going on behind the scenes of 'Golden Spoon' but whether it was this Si Jin himself or her sister-in-law, everyone was trying to thwart her from finding the truth. How could she be reconciled?

She left the matter be for the time being and instead focused on eating a bit as well, seeing as this was what her brother was paying for. She might as well make sure that he paid a bit more as revenge for treating her like this! After a few dishes, she couldn't help but make use of the opportunity again though. "Say, what kind of dish did you choose for the casting? I made lion head meatballs."

This question ... it was quite difficult for them to answer. After all, they had all made the same one, so it was awkward to say in front of her. They really should have thought this through and at least made two batches of different dishes.

Si Yi actually felt like this was his fault. As the one who was his master's designated assistant, he should have taken note of this. But he had also been worried that if they did this, it would be more difficult to ensure that their master would definitely get a place out of all of them. After all, if — for example — the judges took the difficulty of the dishes into consideration, then it might very well be that another batch of them could have made a better impression than their master. That wouldn't have been a good thing.

Seeing that neither her husband nor his guests were able to answer easily, Tao Jin once again jumped in. "Ah, I actually played a small trick on them. You remember how two years ago, I took part in that game show?

"In one of the episodes, they also made us cook. There was even a professional chef invited. He was from overseas and hardly spoke any Chinese. It was really difficult to coordinate with him to make sure we got the dish right. In the end, my team just barely won.

"Despite winning, I was frustrated afterward, feeling like I should have been able to do better. So I looked up the recipe. Suddenly, everything the chef tried to explain made total sense. I've actually made the dish several times since then. I always felt it was tasty and Ah Ming also seemed to like it." She smiled at her husband before she turned back to look at the others. "Well, after Ah Ming told me about the show and asked whether we could take part together, I figured that if I'm going to be on camera again cooking, I might as well make the same dish again. In any case, I already have a bit more experience with it and also, my company can make something nice out of that for publicity." She raised a hand to her lips and laughed, her eyes curving up.

Si Yi looked up, seeing an opportunity to divert the topic following Tao Jin's words. "Oh? I'm afraid I'm not keeping up with entertainment news this much. What dish might that have been? If it was a foreign chef, was the recipe also a foreign one?"

"Ah, you are indeed a sharp one! That dish was quenelles. I believe it's a French one?"

Si Yi inclined his head. "It certainly sounds like it. My French isn't too good but it should be."

At this time, Fan Mei couldn't help but barge back into the conversation. "Oh, you actually speak a bit of French?"

Si Yi glanced at her, clear on what exactly she was trying to do there. Well, this wasn't a problem. "Miss Fan is indeed right there. Well, you see, as an assistant, I will have to accompany Mister Si on some of his travels. In my opinion, it is always better to know at least some of a country's official language if you go there. While I am certainly not proficient at most of them, I try to do my best."

To be honest, this wasn't a lie. He tried to at least have a rudimentary grasp on the languages if they ever left the country. For the most part, this wasn't something that he would do alone though.

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