21 A Good Cook

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"Alright, what do you think is going on?" Li Shui looked from one person to the other, not quite sure what he was supposed to think of this.

Qian Huang lightly furrowed his brows. "Well, I would say that this Nin Sha is much more serious about this than we had thought. It's a good thing for us, really."

Xiao Ming nodded slowly. "Really. I still can't believe that I managed to talk to Ai Gui Jin."

The other two looked at him, realizing that he still seemed a bit out of it.

Li Shui raised his brows. "It's good though, isn't it?"

Xiao Ming nodded again, much more fervently this time. "Of course! This is the best thing that could've ever happened to me! I mean, it was already great to be able to see Mister Yu the other day but it wasn't like this. We didn't manage to actually talk with him one-on-one. I was only able to say hello and that was it. After that, the host and producer were talking with him all the time. I couldn't get a single word in. This time, it was completely different. I mean I didn't get the chance to ask Mister Ai anything about cooking but ... still, this is great. Just imagine how you would feel if you met that actress Tao Jin on the street. — That's how I feel right now."

Li Shui's brows rose even higher. Well, now, he started to understand.

Qian Huang looked at him, a little resigned. Comparing a national goddess like Tao Jin with a chef ... Well, he couldn't say he was surprised. And of course, Xiao Ming would only think about cooking when it came to talking with that chef. He was even less surprised about that. "Anyway, it's a good thing for our channel. With this, people will likely not feel anymore like we were just chosen for ''Golden Spoon'' because we're popular online. They'll finally know that there's real talent at work here!"

Li Shui motioned over at the laptop. "Before saying so, shouldn't we watch the stream first? Who knows what he really said."

Qian Huang's expression immediately turned blank. Right. Naturally, he wouldn't say something bad to their face but who knows what he had actually said online? It was best to check that out first.

Xiao Ming was also on board immediately. "Yes, check it out!" He really wanted to know what Ai Gui Jin thought about his cooking. Maybe he had given some kind of tip what he could've done better? It wasn't the same as being able to talk with him directly but it was almost as good. Even just one sentence from him might be able to help him become a better cook. Who wouldn't want that?

Qian Huang smiled wryly when he saw his expression. He could imagine what he was thinking. Well, it was good that Xiao Ming was happy. He changed back to the other channel and then started the video of the review from the beginning.

The three men from Bright Yellow Water were not the only ones watching the recording of Si Shi Wu's live stream. After carefully filing away the recording of Xiao Ming's stream, Si Jin also started watching what his subordinate had done. He didn't say anything and his expression didn't change but behind him, Si Yi took out his phone and wrote a message.

Si Yi: [You'd better prepare a good excuse.]

Then, he put his phone away again and just continued to stand behind Si Jin, watching the live stream with him.

By the time they finished, Si Shi Wu had managed to bring his nephew back home and then hurried back after mentioning about maybe needing his help again in the future.

Just when he had driven off, his older brother opened the door, looking at his son with obvious excitement. "And? How did it go? What did you learn?"

His son looked at him, furrowing his brows. "What are you talking about? I went there to help my uncle. Shouldn't he be the one you ask these questions?" He shook his head and then went inside, not bothering about his father any longer.

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