136 You Can Be Proud

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Walking into the other room, Si Jin felt incredibly nervous. He hadn't had this kind of feeling when it came to the casting. At that time, he had been well prepared and had only needed to follow the steps he had learned from Si Shi Wu. Today was different though. He had gotten a task and needed to decide himself what to do before setting his course of action. Even though he felt that he had made the best out of it and even managed to elevate the result when he changed his plan halfway through, he couldn't help but wonder if there wasn't something he had overlooked.

Despite his turbulent feelings, Si Jin's expression stayed the same as usual. Thus, the three judges had no idea how things were really looking inside of him. To them, he seemed very self-assured as if he didn't have the slightest doubt.

Chu Yu An was actually quite curious about Si Jin. Don't even mention the ruckus that Fan Mei had made before, this guy had also been eyeing Xiao Ming the whole time while cooking. It was hard to ignore him. And now, he walked into the room at a neither slow nor hurried pace, his gaze once again accurately landing on Xiao Ming's face while the staff member behind him was carefully pushing the food trolley. Just seeing him like this, her interest was piqued.

She tilted her head to the side, already wanting to take a closer look at the dishes he had made, and then couldn't help but raise her brows. "Oh, it looks like you made quite a few dishes!"

Si Jin might only be interested in Xiao Ming but he had seen that this woman was getting along with him very well so naturally, he wouldn't ignore her. He actually retracted his gaze for a moment before turning to her. "Six."

Chu Yu An nodded her head. He was a man of few words so she couldn't say that she was surprised at that answer. He hadn't said much for the whole day, just letting his assistant do the talking even when he was the topic of discussion. Remembering that, she felt that it was good enough that he was willing to answer her.

Meanwhile, the staff member stopped the trolley right before the table of the judges and stepped to the side, letting Si Jin decide himself whether he wanted to put the dishes on there or not.

Seeing that he seemed to have taken some pains when arranging this, Chu Yu An immediately extended an olive branch. "You can just leave these on the trolley. It'd be a pity if something were to happen when putting them over or your set-up was disturbed."

Inwardly, she couldn't help but feel that she should tell Xiao Ming and Mister Yu later on that maybe this was also something they should take into consideration for later. Even though they could expect the contestants to deal with this, accidents at this stage weren't something anyone would want. It wasn't in the spirit of 'Golden Spoon' that the two of them wanted to see.

This wasn't just a simple show for entertainment but one that was supposed to be based on the skills of the contestants. To have somebody get fewer points or even miss out on making it to the next round because there was an accident wasn't something that either of them would want to see. So if there was a way to prevent these things, it would be for the best.

Si Jin hesitated but then inclined his head. It wasn't that he doubted his ability to accurately move the bowls and arrange them in the same shape again. But when it came to shapes, usually, one was able to tell what they were much easier when being a little further away, no? Thinking of that, he stayed where he was supposed to and left the food on the trolley, waiting for his judgment.

Chu Yu An who had already been speaking grabbed the opportunity to mention some of her thoughts first. "Well, let me start with some general observations while Mister Yu and Mister Xiao can test the dishes: I think that what you did here is pretty interesting.

"You have a wide variety of dishes, especially considering the small number of ingredients you were given. In part, this is because you made good use of the staples you were allowed to use. The other part was choosing dishes with few ingredients and making small portions. For this task, this is a good approach.

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