23 Beat Her with Her Own Means

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Needless to say, Misses Youya's article did not stay hidden from the ninjas of the Si clan. In fact, by the time that Qian Huang saw it, all of the ninjas were already long aware.

Originally, Si Jin had still been in the kitchen, practicing his command over the different methods of food processing while Si Shi Wu was watching closely and Si Yi was on standby in case something happened. That something turned out to be a message from Si Shi Qi.

Si Shi Qi: [She did it again.]

Attached was a link to precisely that article by Misses Youya. Si Yi's brows furrowed when he saw the address of the website and he clicked on the link with a bad feeling. Just glancing over the article, he already understood what had happened.

He slipped the phone back into his pocket and glanced at his master. "Please excuse me for a moment. There is something we need to deal with." He inclined his head and then left the kitchen, going to the room where the others had already gathered. He looked around and his gaze remained on Si Shi Qi's face. "Will you solve this issue with your sister or do you need us to do it?"

That was right, the infamous Misses Youya was none other than the sister that Si Shi Qi had already been worried about before. Just like the netizens were suspecting, she really was a reporter in her day-to-day life and only did the blog at the side. So far, Si Shi Qi had monitored her blog in the fear that she would ever use this identity to make trouble for him and his master but he hadn't expected that it would finally come in this way.

"I can try to deal with it but I'm afraid that she won't care. Doing something like this, she obviously doesn't care about giving me face."

Si Yi nodded reluctantly. It was true that she obviously didn't care about her brother's reputation. Otherwise, she wouldn't have written this kind of article about a friend of his and the person that this friend liked from the very beginning. "You should still try it. In any case, she probably expects a reaction. It would be suspect not to show one."

Si Shi Qi nodded and took out his phone, sending his sister a message.

Si Shi Qi: [Are you happy now? Was it really necessary to drag my wife and a good friend of mine through the mud like this? Do you even take me as your brother?]

Sending the message off, Si Shi Qi put the phone back into his pocket and looked up at Si Yi. "I did it. Now, how do we clean up this mess? I don't think she will really retract the article. You know how she is."

Si Yi nodded with a dark expression. "This is really coming at the worst possible moment. She is quite well-known among the netizens. We will have to be extremely careful in how we handle this or the whole issue might get even worse."

Si Er couldn't help but pipe up. "I could just hack her website and delete the article."

Si Yi shook his head. "I'm afraid there will already be screenshots. And she probably has a backup so she could just upload it again. Furthermore, imagine the kind of article she would publish if the website suddenly stopped working after she 'exposed' Young Master Xiao. She will hold onto this topic even more. No, we can't antagonize her like that. If we do, we'll just make her focus on this more."

Si Er pursed his lips, somewhat miffed that he once again wouldn't be able to do something. Being a hacker really wasn't easy.

What Si Yi said raised some concerns with Si Shi Qi as well. "I'm afraid that with this, we will have to put our plans on hold for a little. If we make too much of a splash, she will think there's more to this. And it might seem to those passersby like there really is somebody helping Xiao Ming if he develops too much in a short amount of time.

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