16 A Stunning Visual

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"Since we've just prepared the sesame rollups, how about continuing with the sesame balls to start talking about the plating?" He smiled and then pulled over a rack where the right sesame balls had been draining and cooling off since shortly before the start of the live stream.

"These have already cooled down enough so we can start immediately. For this, I would suggest using a small plate with a design which can even be a bright one." While he said so, he picked up a plate that he had already placed on the other side of the counter before. He turned it so the viewers could see the design more clearly.

"I'll be using this one. I really like the deep colors since they're quite eye-catching while the pattern is unobtrusive. Now, as I've mentioned in previous streams, when we are just eating at home, we don't put that much thought into how the dishes are presented so we actually don't have much nice tableware and the choices are a bit limited. At the casting of 'Golden Spoon', you will naturally be given an assortment of tableware to choose from so even if you're in a similar position, you don't have to worry about the show."

He put the plate down and then picked up a few paper cups before taking one of the sesame balls and placing it inside. He placed it on the plate and then repeated to step twice before looking back up at the camera. "Now, this plate is finished. Of course, if you have a bigger plate, you could put several more sesame balls on it but this is actually a good way to do it. It will make them look like a nice treat."

Xiao Ming made a short pause and glanced at the rest of the sesame balls that he had prepared. There were still quite a few left over. He could likely demonstrate a bit more but it was better not to focus on one item too much. But since he had already talked about the number that he would use ...

He looked back up and then gestured at the plate again. "I'm quite happy with this but if you decide that you want to use a different number, one thing you should keep in mind is that numbers will have different meanings. So for example, you wouldn't use four of them while having eight on a very big plate would be good."

Back in the house of the ninjas, Si Jin tightened his lips and wondered if he should change his family name. Xiao Ming wouldn't think that he was unlucky as well, would he?

Si Shi Wu had similar thoughts and almost didn't know what to say. He couldn't just go on watching the live stream silently though so he had to speak up. He lightly cleared his throat and nodded. "This is a very good hint even though I feel that he could have explained a little more.

"You certainly know that numbers have a different meaning. So if you want to express something with your dish, you might also want to use a different number of things you display. This could be in how many dishes you make for a whole menu or the number of parts of one dish you showcase like he is currently doing it with the sesame balls.

"For this, you might also want to take the occasion into consideration. Cooking at home for an everyday dinner might not be sufficient reason to pay attention to this but if it was a family member's birthday or if a good friend just opened their business, you might want to wish them well in their endeavors and thus try to make your meal seem more auspicious."

On the other side of the counter, his nephew had taken out his phone and was watching Si Shi Wu's live stream with his headphones plugged in. Actually, he was quite surprised at how well everything was going. But come to think of it, his uncle was also younger than his dad. Maybe he wasn't a complete idiot with technology. And he definitely seemed to know a lot about food and cooking.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ming continued with his own live stream, not guessing in the least that he was currently being reviewed by one of their nation's hottest upcoming chefs.

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