62 Lacking Experience

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While the three of them were having fun discussing Si Shi Wu's feelings, the atmosphere in the temporary headquarters of the Si clan was tense. Needless to say, this was because they were waiting for the results of their last four weeks' hard work.

The most important was whether or not their master would be admitted to the first episode. But after that, there was still the question of what would happen with the other nineteen of them. They all felt that they had done a rather good job and Si Shi Wu had gotten a sample of all their dishes as well to make sure of that himself but that still didn't have to mean anything.

Just because they did well that didn't mean that they were the ones who had done the best. And in this kind of show, that was what was important. Among the thousands of contestants, they had to somehow stand out. And they weren't too sure if they had been able to do that.

The only one who was relaxed was Si Er. He was currently reclining on the couch, his feet up on the table while he balanced a laptop on his knees. "I say, why are you so worried? In any case, if they forgot a name or two, I can just hack into the system and put it on the list."

Without a word, Si Yi reached over and whacked him over the head.

Si Er glared at him but didn't dare say anything when it came to Si Yi. Currently, even their master's assistant was looking rather tense. Well, that wasn't strange considering that their master was sitting right next to them, staring at the website and waiting for it to refresh and finally show the names of the people that had been chosen.

Si Shi Qi couldn't help but try and make up for his previous mistakes by educating this rascal. "You hacking into the system wouldn't help us much. They know who they chose. And one of the people that made the choice was Young Master Xiao. We definitely shouldn't mess with that. Otherwise, he might get into trouble because they certainly won't dare to blame Mister Yu. So don't you dare do anything. In any case, if the nineteen of us don't get in, it will be a pity but not the end of the world. The most important is that Master will get in and I don't have a doubt about that. Si Shi Wu, didn't you say that Master's dish was very good?"

Si Shi Wu nodded solemnly. "Yes, it was a notch above everyone else's. I don't think that Mister Yu or Young Master Xiao should have had a problem with it."

At that, Si Jin finally raised his head and gave up one of his incredibly treasured words. "He praised me."

The twenty ninjas of the Si clan immediately hurried to reassure him that this had to be a sign of Xiao Ming's feelings for him.

Si Jin just gave them a disdainful look though. His Xiao Ming was a professional through and through. In this kind of scenario, no matter his feelings, he also wouldn't let it cloud his judgment. If he praised him, that was clearly because he felt that he had the skills, not because he liked him as a person.

Naturally, that didn't have to mean either that Xiao Ming didn't like him. After all, he had even smiled at him. That meant much more than praising his cooking skills. Although ... maybe Xiao Ming had hoped that he would be able to win the show so they could finally go on a date. It wasn't completely out of the realm of the possible, even if incredibly unlikely. In any case, Xiao Ming had clearly realized who he was. He was sure of that. Thinking of that, Si Jin went back to staring at the website with renewed vigor.

The twenty ninjas accompanying him sighed in their hearts and also looked at the website, hoping that that crew of 'Golden Spoon' would finally hurry up a bit. They really felt that they had been waiting long enough here.

Unfortunately for them, the crew had their own plan. While Xiao Ming and Mister Yu had long decided on the contestants' names, they still wouldn't publish the list immediately. Instead, they started to file through the material that they had gathered over the day, already starting to gather a few clips from the people that had finally been chosen as far as they were available.

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