61 Just Keep Professional!

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There were only sixty-four spots for the first real episode after the casting. With twenty of them being taken up by the ninjas of the Si clan, it was actually quite difficult to choose the other forty-four. In the end, when Mister Yu handed over the final list they had come up with, he looked a bit tired.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but give him a long look and show some worry. "Mister Yu, are you alright? Is somebody going to take you home?" At this moment, he couldn't help but remember that this man was already in his sixties. Most likely, this kind of event was still a bit stressful for him.

Mister Yu just waved though. "This kind of small matter, it's not a problem. Ah, I'm really looking forward to next week though. I really want to know what kind of surprises these sixty-four people can bring us. I wish we would just do one episode every day." He folded his hands behind his back and slowly nodded while he walked off.

Xiao Ming was at a bit of a loss but he finally just took out his phone, switched it back on, and then messaged Qian Huang and Li Shui that they had finished and could go home.

He was expecting that Li Shui had gone off with the cameramen again but Qian Huang should still be waiting around. He just was that type of overly worried mother hen. As a result, actually got a message back that both of them were in the waiting room outside.

Xiao Ming raised his brows and then hurried over, finding the two of them sitting at a table with a cup of water next to them and a plate with some food. Qian Huang waved for him to come over and patted the seat next to them, pushing a glass of water toward him as well.

"You sit down first. Take a short break. After that, we can still go home." In any case, while the two of them had just been running around doing what they liked to do — or in his case just sitting here and watching what was going on inside — Xiao Ming had been out there actually doing work. Most likely, he was exhausted. And next up would be the drive in the car which was always difficult for Xiao Ming so he'd rather he get into a better state of mind first.

Xiao Ming did indeed sit down even though he didn't feel like he needed a break. But he didn't want Qian Huang and Li Shui to worry so it was still better to take a moment. Also, they could use this opportunity to talk a bit. "Things actually went rather well. Well, save for a small stretch of time when we had a few difficult contestants." His brows twitched and next to him, Li Shui laughed.

"That was Nin Sha, right?"

Qian Huang looked at Xiao Ming, wondering if what Li Shui had told him before could actually be right. Well, he wasn't surprised that Nin Sha would actually turn up here but he still had a hard time believing that this guy was really some kind of rich businessman.

If he was, why go about things this way? Wouldn't it be easier to call them and just ask for a meeting? In any case, he could become some kind of official sponsor or something. That would've been so much easier and he wouldn't have needed to wait five years either.

Xiao Ming smiled wryly. "I mean I can't prove it but I would think he is. He was marked down on the list as Si Jin and he was with that guy that Li Shui and I met in the supermarket the other day who send us the video."

Actually, he was pretty sure that he had been with all of those guys from the first row but he wasn't comfortable discussing that in public. They could talk about that after they were home again. "Well, there will be more time to interact with the contestants starting next week. I'm pretty sure that we'll find out by then for sure."

Qian Huang nodded his head but couldn't help but think of something else. "If I remember correctly, then not only will the contestants that you chose be notified, the crew will also put some information on them up on the website. Save for the names, there will be some kind of statement about their history with cooking and maybe their jobs or something. So I guess we'll know more by then."

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