65 A Good Wife

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Si Shi Qi felt like he could sense his sister's malicious intentions. If he could, he really wanted to put an end to this. Originally, this whole matter had seemed like a good idea but he really regretted it now. If things went wrong and something was exposed or if his sister and his master got along even worse than before, then that would definitely bring new trouble. He could only hope that by that time, his father at least wouldn't stand with his sister anymore.

He sighed faintly and then started to introduce everyone. "Well, I am sure you have heard of my wife, Tao Jin, the actress. Xiao Jin, this is Mister Si that I told you about, the one I worked with before. And this is his assistant, Si Yi. I also invited my sister, Fan Mei. It's quite curious that we all took part in the casting today." He smiled brightly, trying not to make it seem as if there was any problem.

Fan Mei immediately caught onto the crucial point. "Oh, we all did? That is such a coincidence! I wonder what made a businessman like Mister Si take part in this kind of small cooking show?"

Si Jin looked back at her, his expression as bland as always. "Big."

Fan Mei looked at him, speechless. What did he mean with 'big'? What was big?

Si Shi Qi hurriedly bit his lip, trying not to laugh out loud. Well, leave it to his master to make people speechless! That communication style of his had already driven quite a few of them nuts back at the villa of the ninjas. Now, he could finally appreciate how that same look played out on somebody else's face.

He couldn't help but wonder if he should gleefully explain when Tao Jin already jumped in. "I have to agree. To be honest, while this is a new show, I don't think you can really call it a small one, Xiao Mei.

"The producer, Mister Bian, is actually quite well renowned in the entertainment circle. He is especially talented when it comes to TV shows so I would say that there's a good chance that this will be a hit. Also, we can't forget that Mister Yu is a well-known chef in our country, especially among the older generation, while Mister Xiao is also well-known among the younger people online. So 'Golden Spoon' should be able to attract quite the audience just based on their identities."

Si Shi Qi turned to look at his wife in shock. While he had told her about the Si clan rather early on and she had met the others over the years, she had only met Si Jin once before at their wedding and not really had a talk with him.

To be able to figure out just what he meant from his one-word communication style was quite the feat. Si Shi Qi himself had needed years to be able to grasp the key to figuring things out. But now, his wife was able to do it over just one dinner. No, even less, just a few minutes had been enough for her to do this. Well, this just went to show that he had incredibly good taste. Such a woman ... the other ninjas wouldn't be able to find somebody half as good as her even if they were given ten years more.

Tao Jin glanced at her husband and seeing that he was looking at her quite proudly, she felt a bit strange. Had she said something wrong? Or was this just because she had stood up to his sister for him? Clearly, he had quite a bit of trouble doing that himself.

But in this case, Fan Mei really had been wrong to say that 'Golden Spoon' was just a small show. In any case, just the casting had been able to draw such a crowd. Most likely, with all the promotions that they had come up with, there would be a lot of viewers by the time the first episode aired next week.

Fan Mei also looked at Tao Jin and suddenly realized what had happened. Even though she had asked a question, this Si Jin guy hadn't answered it but had actually contested the presuppositions she had made. "Well, whether it's small or big, does it really matter?"

This time, Si Jin didn't bother answering. In any case, the important point had already been clarified and her opinion further than that wasn't important to him.

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