49 Preparation for the Casting

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The camera was turned off and Ren Ya Hui turned to Xiao Ming with a smile. "Mister Xiao, thank you very much for your cooperation today. After this, I'm sure that tomorrow's casting will go perfectly well. I hope you're not nervous."

Xiao Ming gave a wry smile, wondering if it had been too obvious that he really was nervous. "Thank you for your concern, Mister Ren. I will definitely do my best so as to not let you and the producer down."

Ren Ya Hui nodded, and then turned to Si Shi Wu instead, flattering him with a few words.

Si Shi Wu looked at him and also smiled, but there was something hidden in his gaze. This guy ... he better shouldn't think he would get off so easily.

Finally, all of them bid their farewell and Xiao Ming and Qian Huang went to get Li Shui. When they arrived at where Li Shui was standing with the cameraman from the crew, they were quite surprised though.

"Can't you go without me? I'll go drink with the guys first. I'll definitely be back in time so don't worry!"

Xiao Ming end Qian Huang exchanged a glance and then started laughing.

"The producer and the host actually wanted to spite you but now, it looks like they did you a favor."

"It's great that you get along with everyone. I guess we really shouldn't force you then." Xiao Ming smiled and motioned over at the cameraman with his head. "Go on then. We'll see you in the evening. Don't stay out too long."

Li Shui nodded and then rushed off while Qian Huang turned to Xiao Ming. Putting his arm around his shoulder, he gave him a smile. "Don't think too much about what the host said before. In any case, you did really well today. It probably wasn't easy to have to judge my cooking of all people."

Xiao Ming smiled wryly. "I did remember that the two of you were bad at cooking but I always thought you were also doing it that way because you were too lazy and wanted me to cook for you. Who knew that really was your skill level?"

Qian Huang rubbed the bridge of his nose again and laughed awkwardly. "Well, can you fault me? Being able to eat your cooking every day, I also can't bring myself to sit down and learn."

"Well, it doesn't matter. In any case, I'm not going to suddenly stop."

Qian Huang nodded and the two of them finally left.

Right now, it was already evening so after getting home, Xiao Ming went to the kitchen to cook dinner while Qian Huang sat down to peruse Weibo and look at what people had commented while they were streaming before.

Looking at everything that had gone down, he somewhat understood Ai Gui Jin's mood before. The people that knew a bit more about cooking were also cursing him out, while those at around his level were commiserating with him but also laughing because apparently, he managed to outdo some of them in terms of black cuisine.

He finally closed the notebook with a blank expression and just went over to the kitchen, watching Xiao Ming.

Stirring everything in the pan, Xiao Ming glanced over at him. "Trying to learn now? It's a bit too late. In any case, you didn't register for the casting."

Qian Huang laughed and shook his head. "No, I wouldn't want to take away your job. If I was serious about learning to cook, you wouldn't be able to even carry my shoes."

Xiao Ming laughed and just nodded good-naturedly, not bothering to expose Qian Huang. In any case, he also knew that he was just trying his best. "Tomorrow for the casting, is there anything we need to remember?"

Qian Huang shook his head. "No, just choose something to wear that you look good in, then you can just go. In any case, you don't need to cook yourself. Just taste whatever they give you and give your honest opinion. You also don't need to hold back. In any case, they won't have you taste the bad ones. You'll just get the ones that the other cooks feel might have a chance of passing."

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