29 Different Dishes with Different Methods

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Qian Huang looked at Xiao Ming strangely and then glanced at the clock. Obviously, they hadn't been streaming for long so what was this talk about ending the stream already? But there was really only one dish left. He was a little confused but naturally couldn't ask on the stream itself. Thus, he just bowed his head and ate the creamy cabbage casserole while keeping a look at the comment section and making sure that Xiao Ming didn't get too close to see anything.

Next to him, Li Shui had started on the char siu buns and immediately took a second one, since he obviously wasn't sick and didn't need to hold back.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ming once again took out the prepared dough and filling. "Once again, I've already done most of the preparation so all that's left is to wrap the ingredients in the dough, and then start the cooking process." Saying so, he started to divide the dough and make the wrappers. "It probably won't surprise you but once again, there different ways to make the potstickers. Not only that, but we can even make a second dish with the same dough and filling.

"First, let's start with steaming them. When you think about it, steaming is actually related to boiling a dish. While in this case, you don't boil the ingredients in the water directly, you still have to boil the water to utilize the steam in the cooking process."

He soon finished up the wrappers and then started to put the prepared filling on top, finally wrapping them up. "Alright, these are finished now so we can put them in the steamer." Saying so, he took the steamer that was standing to the side, poured in the water, and then put it on the stove. "I'm only going to steam about half of these so that we can process the other half in a different way."

He put the wrappers he had prepared so far into the steamer and then turned on the stove before returning to finish the rest of the wrappers. "While these steam, let's give another option a try: Frying the wrappers. For that, I would suggest using a pan instead of the wok because the surface is bigger so you can fry more of them at once." He took out a pan to show what he meant, held it in the camera, and smiled. "I formed the wrappers slightly smaller so we should be able to fit five to seven or maybe even eight in there. Traditionally, they would be a bit bigger though."

He put the pan on the stove next to the steamer and poured in a bit of oil, heating it up before he added a few potstickers. "Now, neither of these ways is the traditional way of making potstickers. Originally, this dish was made using a combination of both steaming and frying which is called steam-frying.

"For that method, you would only fry the potstickers for a bit before you add liquid to the pan, steaming it for the rest of the process. I'll do a batch by just frying first and then demonstrate the steam-frying for you in a bit." He finished up the potstickers that he had only fried and arranged them on a plate, pushing it toward Qian Huang and Li Shui. "Alright, let's do another batch where we actually steam-fry them."

He poured a little more oil into the pan, made sure that it was heated through, and then added another batch of the potstickers. Finally, when it started to sizzle, he picked up a glass with water and added it to the pan. Then he grabbed a lid from one of the drawers below the counter and put it on top of the pan. Keeping his hand on top of the lid for a moment, he looked back up at the camera. "It's important to use a lid for this.

"Just like in a steamer, the dish will be steamed by the evaporated water that is trapped inside. What's important is that you don't use too much water because then, you might end up simmering the food instead which isn't what we want to do right now. Now, let's give this a few minutes." He turned to the other two, once again taking a look at Qian Huang.

Over in the comment section, the viewers were catching on to what was likely going on.

Cuddly Lion: [Wait. Is Qian Huang sick?!]

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