140 A Good Teacher

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Fan Mei stared at him, not comprehending at all what this was about. Clearly, this person was not her brother, otherwise, he wouldn't have said that they were mere acquaintances and that he hadn't wanted to get close to him. After all, who wouldn't want to be close to the person they loved? This didn't make any sense!

Si Qi smiled faintly when he saw her doubtful gaze. "Ms. Fan must be wondering what I'm even talking about and how any of this is even remotely related to your brother. Well, you see, it's all because of who that person is. In fact, you also know him. It's Mister Si's assistant, Si Yi."

Fan Mei's eyes widened on her mouth almost gaping open. "That guy?!"

Excuse her but she had trouble believing that anyone could fall in love with him. That Si Jin was still alright. She hated that he wouldn't open his mouth and it drove her nuts that she couldn't read anything from his expression. But then, that wasn't a personal thing.

Just watching him 'interact' with others, it was clear that he just was like that. Even when it came to Xiao Ming who she suspected he had some kind of shady deal with, he still looked just as expressionless as if the muscles in his face had atrophied or the nerves had gotten damaged to the point where he couldn't make any expressions. This was probably what facial paralysis looked like.

That assistant of his though? In her eyes, he was a total asshole. Just looking at his face, she wanted to jump at him and strangle him. The way he had talked down to her previously in the studio? That hadn't been a regular thing for him. He had talked to everyone else just fine. No, he was looking down on her. And if she hated one thing, then it was being looked down upon.

Si Qi chuckled faintly. "Seeing your expression, I imagine you have some doubts. Well, I guess I can see why. Si Yi can be a bit ... abrasive. To be honest, he isn't much different to me nowadays.

"I won't hide it from you. Anyway, if the three of us manage to make it through the first episode, you'll get to see it with your own eyes. So I might as well admit to it first: I love him but he doesn't like me back. It's been like this since the day we met or maybe it has gotten worse."

He lowered his gaze and sighed, picking up his glass of water and drinking a sip. "It's tough. I wouldn't mind if he was ... neutral, maybe. But these days, it feels like he doesn't just not like me but is even starting to dislike me. Well, I can also understand why." He smiled but there was a sadness to it that completely negated it, making him look quite tragic.

"Si Yi ..." He searched for the right words, not finding them for a long time. He had written a lot of men in his books that were inspired by this man and he had wasted a lot of words on describing them and their actions. But when it came to the real deal, he still struggled with it. How to distill Si Yi's character into a few words? As the person who had adored him for years, he couldn't do it.

He shook his head at himself, finally giving up on wanting to do him justice. Anyway, this was Fan Mei. What did it matter if his description was accurate enough or not? "He is polite but distant to strangers, harsh on those he doesn't like, but very caring to the people he cares about.

"Sometimes, a person will luck out and receive that care even before they make it into that circle of people, often by just ... being at the right place at the right time or maybe by being associated with somebody he knows. I was like that."

This time, his smile turned a little lighter. Thinking back to that day, to the happy memories from his earlier years, he felt ... content. How nice it would have been if it could have continued like that forever.

At that time, Si Yi had noticed how much he was struggling and while everyone else continued to just focus on themselves, he had taken the time to advise him. Si Qi knew that this wasn't about him personally. It was because Si Yi wanted to see the Si clan and their master thrive.

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