81 More of a Spark

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Contrary to the other two, Qian Huang had had a very normal couple of hours that he just filled with some more sightseeing. When he saw Li Shui's message about inviting Mister Yu's granddaughter and Ai Gui Jin to their place for a cooking session, he actually dropped the street food he had just gotten himself and stared at his phone.

That ... definitely wasn't what he had expected. How had Li Shui managed to meet these two when he had just gone to eat? He couldn't quite wrap his head around it but, in the end, he still figured that this was a lucky coincidence.

Mister Yu's granddaughter made him have a bit of a headache considering what her grandfather had tried to do but then again, he seemed to have backed off after Xiao Ming told him that he wasn't into women.

Also, it couldn't hurt to have some more acquaintances in the field. In fact, it might be a nice idea to invite some chefs to their live streams in the future. If Miss Yu and Mister Ai would agree to something like that, it would probably make their view count skyrocket. Especially Miss Yu. Not only was her grandfather famous, she was also a professional cook and probably a beautiful lady.

That was the kind of thing that their Bright Yellow Water channel was missing. Even though Xiao Ming was good-looking and he and Li Shui also couldn't be called ugly if he might say so himself, that didn't convince the male viewers much. Well, at least not the straight ones.

Thinking of that, Qian Huang naturally agreed to have a look at their itinerary, suggesting a couple of days that would work for them. He didn't bother to tell Xiao Ming. This kind of thing would be best if they decided it and then just surprised him with it. Well, maybe not at the moment when the doorbell rang but he shouldn't find out too long before that. Otherwise, he would just get anxious again.

Just when Qian Huang had gotten himself a food replacement after dealing with the matter of the cooking session, his phone rang and Xiao Ming's name was shown on screen.

Qian Huang raised his brows, wondering if Li Shui had told him after all. He already cursed the guy in his head. Was this really what he should do? Still, he picked up the call. "Xiao Ming, have you finished what you were doing? Do you want to go and eat together? I just ... I lost my food to a little accident."

There was a bout of silence on the other end before Xiao Ming cleared his throat. "I ... I already ate."

"Oh." Qian Huang frowned, not quite sure what to make of this. What did he mean, he had already eaten? Or rather, why had he hesitated like that? It had sounded a bit strange. "So ... What else happened? Because you sound like something did happen."

There was another pause before Xiao Ming finally spoke up again. "Well ... Where are you right now? Can we meet up?"

Qian Huang felt alarmed and immediately checked where he was, sending the info over to Xiao Ming while he also messaged Li Shui, asking him when he could come back. This sounded like something major had happened. Even though he figured that he could probably deal with it, he'd rather have another person there just in case.

Unfortunately, he had wandered off quite a bit so he wasn't anywhere close to the others at the moment. Even though Li Shui replied almost immediately, meeting up would still be a bit of a bother. Thus, finally, he figured that it might be best to just call it a day here. "How about just going back home? We can talk about everything slowly over there."

"Sounds good. Then I'll go back first."

Qian Huang also messaged Li Shui again after the call ended and then hurried home himself, not wanting to get there too late. Xiao Ming had sounded strange. This was something he hadn't heard in a while. No matter what it was, he'd rather not leave him alone like this.

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