57 A Love Confession

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The chef wasn't the only one who was confounded. The staff member that was supposed to bring Si Jin over to where Xiao Ming and Mister Yu were sitting suddenly noticed that the contestant behind them had vanished. They looked around in bewilderment, trying to figure out just what had gone wrong.

The whole venue was organized in blocks with enough space between the different areas that it was easy to walk around. There really was no reason why any contestant should get lost on the way. Furthermore, this contestant was even from the area that was directly in front of the stage. There was absolutely no reason for him not to be able to keep up. It was barely a hundred steps!

Needless to say, Si Jin hadn't gotten lost. A ninja without a sense of direction? Now that would be embarrassing! Not to speak of the master of the whole Si clan. No, instead, Si Jin had deliberately strayed from the path and returned to his cooking block because he had prepared something special that couldn't be ignored.

He hurriedly took care of matters and soon emerged with another bowl in his hands. The cart he had used to bring the first bowl over to the preliminary judge was still in the hands of the staff member but Si Jin didn't care. Other contestants might accidentally drop the bowl or spill something and thus ruin the way they had plated everything but not he. Keeping his hands steady was an easy feat for the master of the Si clan. He didn't even glance at the bowl in his hands while he strode over to stand behind the staff member, waiting for them to lead the rest of the way so he could finally meet Xiao Ming for real.

The staff member that was still searching for Si Jin suddenly found him on their other side. They flinched and almost pushed down the cart holding the first bowl.

Si Jin reached out and stabilized it just in time, looking at the staff member with his usual blank look. In fact, he didn't care much. The important bowl was the one he had carried over. This one could only count as a spare in his mind.

The staff member stared at him in return, unable to get out a word. They just felt that they understood less and less just what was going on here.

Si Jin didn't bother saying anything and just glanced over to the stage where Xiao Ming was sitting, impatient inside. He turned back to the staff member who seemed to have forgotten that they had a job to do and kindly reminded them. "Stage."

The staff member was pulled out of their confusion and looked over, finally realizing that they were holding up everyone. The two judges needed to have a look at this contestant's dish, and then the others could finally follow. "Ah, yes, I'm sorry. Let's go over right now."

They reached out to take the second bowl from Si Jin and put it on the cart but the ninja turned away and walked forward himself. While he did so, his gaze was naturally fixed on Xiao Ming up on the stage.

The contestants were supposed to stand at a specific spot and wait for the staff member to wheel over the dish and then the judges' result, but Si Jin completely ignored the mark on the ground, and walked forward, putting the bowl down in front of Xiao Ming.

Seeing as this was their first real meeting even made himself say a few words to accompany the gesture. "For you." Actually, Si Jin really would've wanted to make another love confession but he felt that right now wouldn't be the best moment for that so he kept quiet after that and just gazed at Xiao Ming.

Oh, even though he had regularly watched his live stream, that really couldn't compare to seeing the real him. And being so close made his heart beat faster. From up here, he could even smell the lotion Xiao Ming used.

Meanwhile, the staff member rushed forward, grabbed him by the shoulder, and motioned to the spot on the ground. "Actually, you're supposed to stand over there."

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