103 A Disaster in the Kitchen

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Li Shui might feel ambushed and not be happy about what he had to do, but he also realized that for the stream, this was necessary. He didn't know the ins and outs but if both Qian Huang and Xiao Ming had agreed on it, then there had to be a reason. Thus, he didn't argue and instead gave in to fate. "Well, if you want me to cook, then I will do so. Just don't complain if the camera work sucks today. We really can't leave that kind of thing to Qian Huang."

The viewers were still laughing and even Qian Huang chuckled, feeling that this was something they didn't need to worry about. Anyway, he had checked before and Li Shui had set everything up so that the whole counter could be seen. This meant that unless they wanted something detailed, it was alright to just leave it as it was, and film the whole thing from the same angle. It might indeed not be fancy but at least nothing would go wrong. "The camera work doesn't need to be fancy. But your cooking better be!"

Li Shui stuck out his tongue before he turned to Xiao Ming, motioning to the notebook. "Alright, I'm ready."

Xiao Ming looked at him and patted his shoulder again. "You don't quite look ready but don't worry about it. If it doesn't turn out well, I'll cook something especially for you later."

Hearing that, Li Shui immediately looked better, feeling that even if he had to make a fool out of himself in front of the camera for all the world to see, it still wasn't all that bad. At the very least, he would get something tasty out of it.

Xiao Ming pushed the notebook further to the middle of the counter and then switched to a view where their viewers could see what Li Shui was doing while the mini-episode would show in the corner of the screen as Li Shui watched it. Then, he stood to the side, just watching as Li Shui got to work.

The first part was just the introduction of the episode so Li Shui looked at Xiao Ming and then up at the camera and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, we watched this yesterday so I guess I could start by gathering some of the ingredients already. I don't think I'll be as fast as goddess Tao anyway since she has some experience already."

Xiao Ming nodded but left the decision to him, not wanting to influence him too much.

Li Shui went to look through the cupboards but had some trouble finding everything. This wasn't the kitchen that Xiao Ming usually cooked in so he wasn't as familiar with where everything was like he was at home.

The viewers definitely had their fun.

Cuddly Lion: [This looks like Li Shui has never been in a kitchen before. I was pretty sure that he would suck at this after Qian Huang's display the other day, but I didn't think it would be this bad.]

Food Enthusiast: [I think this is only partly his fault though. In 'Golden Spoon', goddess Tao had everything in the same place and just needed to identify the ingredients she needed. On the other hand, Li Shui is in a place he doesn't know that well yet and has to find everything from somewhere in the cupboards. Yes, he should've looked around beforehand but from the looks of it, Xiao Ming and Qian Huang didn't tell him what he was getting into today. So I can't quite blame him.]

Cuddly Lion: [Now that you mention it, maybe Xiao Ming and Qian Huang should have gotten the ingredients for him to make it fair.]

Little Butterfly: [But if they did, would we have this much fun? When he just opened the cupboard, I saw the flour in the back on the left side. How did I spot it in the stream while he couldn't even see it while standing directly in front of it?]

Since Xiao Ming had switched to showing the video of goddess Tao at the side, he couldn't look at the comments himself. But Qian Huang had switched to doing that so that he could read them out loud if necessary. At the moment, he was just chuckling though, feeling that this was indeed the right kind of payback.

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