73 An Awkward, Admirable Person

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Xiao Ming went through the other comments of both Si Jin's dish and those of the other contestants, mentioning a few additional things about the casting here and there. Finally, he finished a little later than they usually would with their live streams.

Qian Huang stopped the stream and leaned back, stretching his arms and giving a deep sigh. "God, these weeks will be hard. I'm afraid this is actually harder than doing our normal streams."

Xiao Ming also nodded and then slumped down on the counter, not wanting to move at all. "We should try and think of something a little easier if we can. This is taking us too much time."

Li Shui also came over and sat down on the other side, putting his arms on the counter and looking from Xiao Ming to Qian Huang. "Maybe we could also take over some task? You pretty much talked all the time today."

Qian Huang nodded. He had only read out their own viewers' comments a couple of times so for the majority of the stream, it had really just been Xiao Ming talking. When it came to their normal streams, at the very least, he and Li Shui would be having a larger role at the end so that Xiao Ming could relax a little at that time and they would try to help out as much as they could while Xiao Ming cooked. With this kind of stream though, things had been different from the beginning to the very end. He needed to be focused a hundred percent.

Speaking of focus though ... "That matter with Nin Sha really confused you, didn't it?"

Xiao Ming looked over and faintly raised his brows. "Why would you say so?"

"Well ... you suddenly made that pause right in the middle of the stream. I was really wondering what was up. I mean we were wondering about him before. So, how was it? Do you think he is good-looking?" They might have talked when Xiao Ming finally finished the discussion with Mister Yu but that had mostly been about whether that person was Nin Sha. Now, he really couldn't help but wonder about the details of that encounter.

Xiao Ming thought back to the moment he had seen Si Jin for the first time and wasn't sure what to say. "He is ... a little awkward."

The other two inched closer, clearly in the mood for some gossip. "How so?"

Xiao Ming straightened up again and cupped his cheek, wondering about how to explain it. "Well, generally, he's a good-looking guy, the kind of person that you would like to just look at. But then, his expression is ..." He stopped and shook his head. "I don't know, I think it's like in one of those TV dramas. Like those male leads who usually don't smile? Or even if they get angry, they still have that same expression? He's just like that. Total facial paralysis."

The other two nodded, having a good guess of just who that person might be. Even though they had seen the ninjas of the Si clan when they came in, they hadn't known which of them Nin Sha was. Li Shui had only figured it out when Si Jin later stepped onto the stage and had that exchange with Xiao Ming but he hadn't told Qian Huang about that detail. So at this point, Qian Huang still only had a rough guess.

Qian Huang pursed his lips and then shook his head. "In that case, he's nothing for you. I think you'd like somebody who's a bit more open, right?"

Xiao Ming chuckled and then got up, taking out the groceries they had bought to finally make them something to eat. "Well ... I have to say that when it comes to preferences, I guess it's true. But if you get along, then is it really so important? But anyway, there's no need to think about that."

"Why? You think he wouldn't be interested?" Qian Huang laughed at that. "Honestly, I might not be sure about that Ai Gui Jin but I'm definitely sure when it comes to Nin Sha. That guy's into you! And not just as some kind of online celebrity into you. He is into you as a person." If he had still held any doubt about it before today, then now, there wasn't the least bit of that left. No, Nin Sha was definitely more than just a little interested.

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