98 Haste Made Waste

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With their master having left, Si Er turned to Si Yi, expecting another few harsh words.

For a moment, Si Yi was tried to really say those words but on second thought, he figured that Si Er already should have understood what he had done wrong. In any case, the thing he loved the most had just been taken from him as a consequence of his actions. If he still didn't get it, then no matter what he said, it wouldn't change anything either. Thus, he just leaned back, not bothering about Si Er.

Seeing that he wasn't even worth even a single comment, Si Er hung his head, got up, and slipped out of the room. He felt like he didn't deserve this but what could he do? If this was what Si Yi and his master decided, he would have to live with it.

After he had left, Si Shi Wu turned to Si Yi. "I should call Qian Huang then and tell him that everything has been dealt with. Any advice on how to deal with this conversation?" A lot had gone wrong in just this one day so he wanted to be careful. It just didn't seem like a good idea to take any chances right now.

Si Yi was of the same opinion so he thought for a moment longer. "Well, in the current situation, it might be best not to say too much. They are already vigilant. I think what they would hate to see the most right now would be any new attempts to set young master Xiao up with our master. So you shouldn't even try.

"Keep it short and professional, directly to the point. Tell them that you have spoken to our master and Si Er and then what the result of that was. Also, assure them that this should've been dealt with but that if there are any problems in the future, they can come back to you. I think that this should reassure them.

"In any case, even though I think what master just did should have been effective, we never know with Si Er. If he ever tries something else, it would be best to be prepared for that and leave a means of communication open.

"Anyway, since you will see them again soon, it shouldn't be that much of a problem since you can rectify further mistakes at that time. But still, today's call might be the most important. It will set the tone for how things will be going forward."

Si Shi Wu nodded and then took out his phone, holding it up. "Would you mind staying around while I have the call? In the worst case, you could give me some pointers."

Si Yi nodded even though he felt that it probably wasn't needed. Still, it also couldn't hurt to have a second person hear this. After all, it would at least allow them to get a better read on how things had gone afterward.

When Si Shi Wu called, the three members of Bright Yellow Water had just sat down at the table. Qian Huang actually felt annoyed. It was never a bad time to call unless he was currently about to dig into Xiao Ming's food. Whoever this was should better have a good excuse to disturb him at his favorite pastime.

He picked up the phone that he had left over on the cupboard next to the stove and then raised his brows when he saw the caller ID. "It's Mister Ai."

Xiao Ming and Li Shui looked up, surprised to hear that.

"That should be about that matter with his friends. Why aren't you answering?"

Qian Huang smiled wryly and looked at the dishes on the table, feeling that he should better hurry up if he still wanted to get something. He accepted the call but still reached out to take some of the food. "Mister Ai, I hope you have good news for us."

Si Shi Wu gave a hum. "I guess you could say that. First, let me apologize again. This matter shouldn't have happened in the first place. It has put you and the other two in a difficult situation. That wasn't okay. If not for the fact that we had gotten to know each other at the show, I'm afraid you wouldn't even have known what to do.

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