78 A Bit Creepy, That's True

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Si Qi slowly nodded. Yes, maybe this would indeed be for the best. In any case, after the show was over and their master hopefully won, he would already have his date with Xiao Ming. Then at that time, there wouldn't be much for them to do. Things would be completely up to their master and Xiao Ming to figure out.

The only one who might be able to render some more help would be Si Yi. Well, maybe Si Er or Si Shi Qi would be able to support them here and there. As for the others of them, he didn't think that there was much of a chance to get involved. So at that time, he would be able to take a vacation without inconveniencing the clan.

Maybe if he was away for a longer time, he would indeed be able to get over this matter with Si Yi. He didn't think that it was likely but it was at least worth a try. In any case, he also didn't want to be in this situation. It was just that he couldn't get over his feelings so easily. If there was a way to just turn them off, he would have done that long ago.

Anyway, who knew? If things turned out well, his future would look much brighter. Maybe he would be able to find somebody that he wanted to be with. Somebody to like him back. It would be so nice to have a relationship where he and his partner could mutually support each other. That was the kind of thing he was longing for.

When he imagined that, his lips curved on their own and his gaze softened when he turned his attention back to Xiao Ming. "You know, you're right. I'll give it a try. In any case, I probably won't be able to make it too far in the show but I'll still try my best. Since I started it, I'll try to go as far as I can."

Xiao Ming nodded. To be honest, he was quite curious about whether that man that Shi Ru Qiu had mentioned was also a contestant or maybe a cook or something but he didn't want to bring up anything that would make him sad again. Right now, he looked slightly more optimistic than he had before. He didn't want to destroy that.

On the other hand, Si Qi couldn't help but think that if he wanted to go on a vacation, he should work even harder before that. And the best way to do that was to help his master. He thought for a moment and then cleared his throat. "Is there somebody that you like?"

Xiao Ming was stunned when he was suddenly asked this question but he still shook his head straightforwardly. "Not at the moment, no."

Si Qi nodded, feeling that this was good news to bring back. Well, their master probably would've preferred if there would've been some kind of spark already but things couldn't be rushed when it came to relationships. And to know that there was nobody else currently occupying Xiao Ming's heart was already better than nothing. Also, there were definitely some opportunities there.

He smiled a little cheekily and then grabbed the cup of tea that the waiter had brought in-between. Leaning back and looking at the steam wafting into the air, he gave a faint chuckle. "You know, the person I like happens to be Si Jin's assistant."

Xiao Ming needed a moment to realize that the Si Jin that Shi Ru Qiu was talking about had to be the one he knew as well. Somehow, there were quite a few people who knew Si Jin around him recently. First Mister Ai, now even Mister Shi. To be honest, he was a little astounded. "There really are a lot of people that he knows, aren't there?"

Si Qi continued to smile. "Ah, I guess that comes with his work. Anyway, for Si Yi — his assistant I mean — work is really the only thing in his life that counts. He is completely focused on his role as Si Jin's assistant. He's had some short-lived relationships before but there was never anything long-term.

"I guess most people wouldn't be able to take it that he dedicates his own life to another man. I'm alright with it if I'm honest. Just having a very small corner of his heart would already be enough for me.

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