82 Date.

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While the three guys from Bright Yellow Water were talking about what had happened in the time they had been out and about alone, Si Qi also made his way back to the temporary headquarters of the ninjas of the Si clan.

Stepping through the door, a feeling of regret welled up in him. He really would've liked to just stay outside. Things were tense with Si Yi and he had no relationship with the others. Actually, the longer he thought about it, the more he felt that he probably shouldn't be part of the clan.

No, he would probably do better outside, maybe helping every now and then but not actually being in the middle of it. Being a ninja ... that wasn't his life. It felt like he had no value here and everything it brought him was pain.

He took a deep breath and then sighed before he finally walked in. No matter what he wanted to do in the future, for now, there was still a task to accomplish. He wouldn't shirk his responsibilities just like that. What he had started needed to be finished. If he was still needed after the show, he would also stay for a while longer. He'd just see about that when the time arrived.

Needless to say, it wasn't difficult to find Si Yi in this house. It didn't need much guessing to figure out that their master would be in the kitchen, trying out some new recipes and perfecting his skill. Thus, Si Yi would be close by, either joining in or maybe doing something related close by. At the very least, he wouldn't be more than half a minute away if he hadn't been sent off to do some task.

Indeed, as soon as Si Qi stepped into the kitchen, he saw their master standing behind the stove while Si Yi was sitting to the side, looking through a pile of cookbooks. Si Yi didn't even seem to glance in his direction and just continued leafing through that book as if he didn't stop reading at all. As for their master, he naturally wouldn't stop what he was doing. He always focused on his tasks completely.

Si Qi felt even more resistance bubble up in his heart and closed his eyes for a moment before he pushed the door shut behind him and leaned against it to get some kind of support. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he would be able to do this for the next couple of weeks. With each day, things seemed to be getting worse.

He opened his eyes again and gulped, trying not to think about his personal situation. If he focused on the task at hand, he should be able to stay calm. "I met young master Xiao when I out."

With this, he actually managed to get the attention of the two men. Their master didn't stop cooking but he did look up and fixated him with his gaze while Si Yi actually stopped looking at the book and turned to face him, his gaze searching.

Si Qi felt self-conscious under Si Yi's gaze but he forced himself to calm down and then tell them about the whole encounter, including the things he had told him and the reactions he had noticed.

As usual, nothing changed in their master's face even though he was sure that inwardly, he was probably in turmoil. He probably didn't care too much what Si Qi himself thought of him so the little bit of badmouthing he had done would go unnoticed but he cared very much how it had impacted Xiao Ming's view of him. Not that he would discuss that with him.

At the same time, Si Yi furrowed his brows. "Why would you tell him such things? You could have anticipated that he would react like this! That is something to mention after he has had the opportunity to get to know master better so that he wouldn't be swayed this easily."

Si Qi faintly raised his chin, trying to keep his composure. It wasn't like Si Yi was ever affectionate with him but usually, he would at least keep calm. Now though, he was about to be scolded and he didn't like it a single bit.

Not that in this case, he didn't deserve it. He also knew that while he had had good intentions, he had really fucked up this time. Well, at least he had gotten them some information.

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