20 A Good Friend

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Li Shui zoomed in so that the camera only captured the seats where they were sitting and the plates directly in front of them. At the same time, Qian Huang separated the screen so that the image from the camera was shown on one side while the other side showed what was on their own screen. Then, the image of Si Shi Wu's live stream sprang up next to theirs.

Si Shi Wu raised his brows and looked at his own camera. "It seems things are getting even more awkward. The people I'm watching have noticed and have come to watch me watching them."

Even though Qian Huang had already made sure before that what that user 'Flying Cockroach' had said was right, he still felt a bit relieved when he heard Si Shi Wu say this. So there really hadn't been any misunderstanding.

On the other hand, Xiao Ming raised his hands, covering his mouth. His eyes alone were enough to realize that he was shell-shocked though. He stared at Si Shi Wu unblinkingly, unable to believe what was going on. Was this really that Ai Gui Jin? How had this man even found their channel? He couldn't understand it!

No matter how shocked he was, Xiao Ming forced himself to calm down. In any case, he had already met Mister Yu. Meeting Ai Gui Jin was still acceptable. "Mister Ai." He lowered his hands and nodded in greeting, feeling that the most important was to leave a good impression even if he had done something wrong before.

Si Shi Wu looked at him with a difficult expression. Obviously, Young Master Xiao was quite happy to see him. When his Master saw ... most likely, he would regret not becoming a star chef himself. If he had done so, maybe he could be the one to meet the Young Master now.

While these thoughts went through his mind, he still nodded back. "Greetings. I hope I didn't breach etiquette by just reviewing your live stream without telling you beforehand. It was somewhat of a spontaneous idea, to be honest."

Xiao Ming hurriedly shook his head. "Of course not, of course not. We are very happy that Mister Ai would take the time to review our channel!" His expression made obvious that he really thought so and wasn't just paying lip service.

Si Shi Wu nodded at that but then didn't quite know how to continue. This really was an awkward situation all around.

Xiao Ming also wasn't quite sure what to say. While the chef he admired most was definitely Mister Yu, Ai Gui Jin came in second. This man had opened up his restaurant 'Fifteen' right after he finished culinary school and made it into a big hit in less than half a year. Only one year later, he had already earned his first star. People were even whispering that he might earn the second one if he was reviewed again any time soon.

This kind of person ... how could others compare? To be able to somehow catch his eye was unbelievable luck. If he could, he would've liked to ask him a ton of questions but he felt that it would be quite impolite to do so. In any case, they were still both streaming. And Mister Ai had started his stream with a specific purpose in mind. Most likely, they were actually making trouble for him by switching over to watch his channel.

Qian Huang noticed that neither of the two people that actually knew about cooking was speaking so he couldn't help but pipe up himself. "We only found out by chance from one of our viewers that you were reviewing our channel and came over to see if it was true. Since we are here already would you like to ask us some questions maybe?"

Si Shi Wu still wasn't quite sure what to say to this. He knew that he couldn't just stay quiet though. This matter concerned Young Master Xiao after all. "Actually, I was just a little curious about your channel so I wanted to take a look and figured that it might be nice to tell others about what I think. There seems to be quite a bit of a debate about this kind of cooking channel."

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