90 A Bit Creepy

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Xiao Ming was at home at that time, reading through the book that he had bought when outside with Si Qi. The writing style was rather familiar, quite calming indeed just like he had hoped it would be.

This time though, he couldn't help but feel a little strange about it. Now that he had seen him, that he had talked to him about his private issues, he suddenly felt like he was able to see a little more in this. Or maybe that was just because his own biases had been confirmed. At the very least, he knew by now that he hadn't imagined the way that Shi Ru Qiu would describe the men in his books. There definitely were some undercurrents there, no matter how subtle they might be.

After a while, Xiao Ming put the book to the side, lying down in bed and staring up at the ceiling. This whole conversation was hard to forget. He definitely felt for Shi Ru Qiu's situation. And at the same time, he couldn't help but think about what he had told him about Nin Sha.

That guy had been following what he did for five years. It seemed ... well, it seemed a bit strange now. He had always thought that Nin Sha was a normal person just like them. Maybe somebody who had a well-paying job and didn't have to worry about throwing some money at a streamer.

It had only been later on when he realized that with the frequency Nin Sha threw money their way, this couldn't just be a well-paying job. Really, the fact that he was rich hadn't been too hard to accept. The degree to which his family was wealthy and their importance was a different matter though. He hadn't expected this.

Xiao Ming turned to the side and picked up his phone that was lying on the bedside table, turning on the screen and looking at his background picture. It was a somewhat blurry photo of him and his family that had been taken shortly before his parents died. It was one of his most beautiful but also one of his most painful memories at the same time.

No matter the reason behind it, Nin Sha had had a similar experience. Maybe that was why he had related to him so much. Although Nin Sha naturally couldn't have known that at the time. Maybe he had had a feeling though. Or maybe he had clung to whatever he could find at that time because it would somehow help him get through that time. It was possible. And it would explain why this channel of theirs was something that Nin Sha had supported for such a long time even though he wasn't interested in cooking himself.

Xiao Ming switched the screen off and already wanted to just turn away when he couldn't help but switch his phone back on and open the file that Si Er had sent him when they met. He looked at the video and his lips couldn't help but curl up.

He didn't know what to think of Nin Sha's feelings for him. He felt honored that after five years of watching him, this was what he finally arrived at. At the same time, he also had to admit that he was worried about it.

This guy knew him but he didn't know Nin Sha in return. And there were clearly some people around him that were at least a little worrisome like that youth who had sent him this.

He probably shouldn't judge Nin Sha based on these things. If you had a life like him, it was probably normal to have some people around you who were a little ... out there. Maybe that was the only kind of person you could be with if that was your life.

In fact, now that he thought about it, he figured that Shi Ru Qiu had probably left out quite a few details about his own life. It sounded like he was a bit of a loner even in this group that probably amounted to several rather weird people, but there was likely reason for that as well.

Yes, there had to be more to this whole matter. And he wasn't sure if he should want to know or not. In any case, it sounded like it was dangerous to get involved.

But at the same time, he, Qian Huang, and Li Shui probably weren't that different. They weren't of the same caliber as these guys but they were also their own little group that had never really managed to fit in anywhere else. So he felt a bit of ... companionship, probably. No matter how weird that was.

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