92 Not So Subtle

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The longer Si Shi Wu listened to what Qian Huang had to say, the more he wanted to facepalm. This was so typical of Si Er. That guy just wouldn't be happy until he had caused chaos. There was a reason why they called him the wild child of the Si clan even though he was usually inside and not even half as outgoing as Si San. Well, all complaining wouldn't solve the current issue.

He rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Mister Qiang, I'm so sorry. I can imagine that this has freaked you out. Truth be told, this is a frequent problem with him. In our friend group, we really can't go out with anyone without him checking the other person and getting involved where he isn't needed.

"I swear it's not done maliciously. He is just trying to keep us safe and help out but he crosses boundaries he shouldn't ignore. It is uncomfortable at best if his victims find out and I'm afraid he will get himself and us into trouble one day if he doesn't learn his lesson soon.

"Well, I ... I'll have a talk with him. I can't promise that it will work out but I will do my best. And ... I will also talk to Si Jin. He probably doesn't have any idea yet that something like this has been happening. And that guy might listen to him more than he would to me."

Qian Huang's brows couldn't help but twitch when he heard that. This really made it sound like that Nin Sha was the head of some group of criminals. If they suddenly all started calling out 'Boss!', he wouldn't even be surprised. "Well, I really hope that you will manage to convince him. I know that he's just a friend and you can't really do anything about it but we just didn't know who else to turn to. Especially with the show running, this is problematic for us. Xiao Ming hasn't been taking it that well."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I will have a talk with him this evening. And I will get back to you tomorrow at the very latest so you can put your mind at ease. In the meantime, just go about your life as usual. You absolutely don't have to be worried that he's going to retaliate.

"Look, I know the last thing you need is another person getting involved but Si Jin isn't the type of person who would do that to somebody he likes. If Mister Xiao doesn't requite his feelings, then I'm sure he will give up. He will try at first, sure, but if there is no way to achieve it, he will leave graciously. He isn't the type to force anything. You can be sure of that at least."

Qian Huang smiled wryly at that. He had really thought that this Mister Ai would be a good candidate for dating Xiao Ming but listening to him now, he realized that, most likely, there wasn't a chance in hell that these two would get together.

What he was saying sounded pretty much like a marketing campaign for Nin Sha trying to sell him as a good guy worthy of being dated. He was trying to be subtle about it but after already hearing this once and knowing the general situation, it was much too obvious.

So unfortunately, he had to admit that it was just like that Shi Ru Qiu had told Xiao Ming: Ai Gui Jin would never even think about dating Xiao Ming if his friend was into him. Even if he was gay or was in some way interested in men, Xiao Ming would be right on top of the list of people he would never date in his life. So much for that plan.

Qian Huang sighed to himself but then forced himself not to dwell on it. In any case, it wasn't like Xiao Ming had known about him wanting to push that and it would be nice just having him as a friend

Although he wasn't quite sure anymore if it would be that smart considering he was friends with Si Jin but at this point, they were already embroiled in this whole matter anyway so might as well go forward.

"Well, thank you for your assistance. Speaking of the things ... that cookout with Miss Yu and Xiao Ming is still on though, right? Ah Shui told me about that and I figured it was a nice idea. Xiao Ming would certainly love it."

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