69 How about Dating?

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As for Si Shi Wu's date, things were naturally not as difficult to handle as the dinner with Si Shi Qi's sister since Mister Yu's granddaughter definitely wasn't out to get any dirt on them.

When Si Shi Wu arrived at the restaurant, there was still quite a bit of time until they were supposed to meet up. He went to the room already, sitting down while he pondered how to go about this.

In fact, he didn't know much about Mister Yu's granddaughter. He probably could've asked Si Er to find out more about her but he hadn't wanted to do that if it wasn't absolutely necessary. While it could help with finding subjects to talk about, it might also make things more artificial. In the worst case, she would figure out that he had somehow looked into her which might scare her off. Then, his plan wouldn't work.

No, it was better to facilitate a good relationship with her even if it didn't end up being anything romantic. Thus, he went in without any kind of preparation. The only thing he knew about her was what Mister Yu had told him himself: That she also had an interest in cooking and was on her way to becoming a chef. It seemed he would have to go with that at first.

Mister Yu's granddaughter finally arrived when it was almost the agreed-upon time. When she came into the room, Si Shi Wu got up and inclined his head, motioning for her to sit down. "Miss Yu. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope it wasn't a problem to come here on such short notice."

Yu Lin gave him a once over. Her grandfather had told her who it was that she would be meeting up with and she had taken the time to have a look at his restaurant's website which also had a photo of him so she had known that she would be able to recognize him. Looking at him in real life, she felt that the photo was quite truthful.

Sitting down, she raised the corners of her lips in a polite smile. "Don't worry about it. In any case, I should be the one to apologize for that. I'm just afraid that tomorrow wouldn't have worked out well for me so I suggested this evening instead."

"I don't mind either way. I'm just glad that we were able to make it work."

The two of them fell silent and Si Shi Wu finally just picked up the menu, sliding it over to her. "Your grandfather told me that you are also preparing to become a chef. I guess I can only hope that this restaurant will be up to our standards." He had chosen the same restaurant for this as Si Yi and the others had chosen for their meeting since it was hailed as the best one in the city. He actually had high hopes but considering their jobs, it might be that they would have a different perspective on this than most people.

Yu Lin chuckled at that. "Well, this might surprise you but I'm not a picky eater. I think that you can find good food everywhere. Even street foods can be delicious if prepared right. And the impact it has on culture is often more important than that of highly-rated restaurants. No offense."

Si Shi Wu smiled faintly. "None taken. To be honest, I have to agree somewhat." He opened the menu and glanced over the dishes even though he had already taken a look at home. "The dishes presented in this kind of restaurant aren't available to everyone. The majority of people in a country will be acquainted with street food though.

"So you could say that if there is a national dish in a country, it is more likely to be that what the common people can eat rather than what only those wealthy have a chance of eating.

"And while some dishes will be expensive just based on the ingredients used, many dishes will not require those but will be able to be made in large quantities while still retaining a specific taste. And memorable dishes are good ones I think."

"Unless they are memorable because they were prepared so badly that you could hardly gulp them down." You Lin closed the menu and put it down, giving him a smile. "I'm afraid that the two of us will only talk about food if things continue like this. That probably wasn't what my grandfather had in mind."

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